Ryan -vs- Biden--What Will Happen?

I just CAN'T WAIT to hear half-headed Joe's assessment of what happened in Libya--
and the obvious and unquestionably craven cover-up.
Instead of answering the question he will say something like, are you accusing me of being unpatriotic? then he will probably go on a long drawn out story about his days in Scranton Pa instead and talk about how he takes the train. :)
Biden keeps butting in and the moderator isn't stopping him. He just can't shut up.
she is for the libs but we already knew that

she is at least asking good questions. I dont think ryan is doing as well as I thought he would but i still like him better than joe

Biden is really getting on my nerves. He's rude and acting like a bully. This isn't a debate and the mod has lost control of it.
I recorded it. I might go back and watch it, but Biden has ticked me off so bad I probably won't.