Ryan -vs- Biden--What Will Happen?

Johnny Tremain

Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2012
I think we shall see the final game plan the Obama-ites plan to use to besmirch Romney--a pretty tough target to called anything "reprobative".

How do you think Ryan will do when Biden goes into one of his mindless dithers about--whatever?

Who will win the debate?

If Ryan does--all hell will break loose in the Obama camp to say ANYTHING recriminatory to trash any and all Republicans.
Sarah Palin.

How democrats managed to marginalize and destroy a worthwhile woman in politics--all because she was not a COMMUNIST.

They propagandized and used the mainstream media as complicit partner in crime.

Disgusting, shameful and explicitly ANTI-AMERICAN--in the extreme.
America's great loss.
I'm hoping she will get an appointment in a Romeny Admin, and if she doesn't, run against him '16
I'm hoping she will get an appointment in a Romeny Admin, and if she doesn't, run against him '16

That is a good idea. She is a personable and smart Lady and I think she has a lot to contribute.
Once liberalism is EXORCISED from Washington and the rest of the nation.
Sarah Palin had no business being a VP candidate in 2008. She was hand-picked cheesecake and her addition to the ticket was IMHO a perfect example of what is wrong with politics, not what is right with it.
Is this sexist? She was a governor.
Just sayin'--:cautious:

Jerry Brown is a Governor too. Palin had been Governor of Alaska for less than two years when she was approached by GOP big wigs to be McCain's running mate. Less than two years as Governor of a state that doesn't have many of the problems other states have. Alaska receives oil revenue that other states would probably kill for, the population was under 1 million at the time, the infrastructure was very limited compared to other states and will remain so for some time...I would have been far more impressed if she had been mayor of a major city as opposed to Governor of Alaska. There were also questions arising at that time about her husband and his involvement in her administration. May not be an issue for you but it was for others.
Is this sexist? She was a governor.
Just sayin'--:cautious:

as governor, the most qualified of the lot. but really,this was reason enough...

Jerry Brown is a Governor too. Palin had been Governor of Alaska for less than two years when she was approached by GOP big wigs to be McCain's running mate. Less than two years as Governor of a state that doesn't have many of the problems other states have. Alaska receives oil revenue that other states would probably kill for, the population was under 1 million at the time, the infrastructure was very limited compared to other states and will remain so for some time...I would have been far more impressed if she had been mayor of a major city as opposed to Governor of Alaska. There were also questions arising at that time about her husband and his involvement in her administration. May not be an issue for you but it was for others.

She has become rather popular since then--on her own dime mostly.
Is everyone wrong?