Rhetoric that incites violence

He was a registered republican who gave money to an extremely radical democrat organization and with visual evidence of a connection with Black Rock, a major supporter of democrat causes like climate change and gay rights. The shooter was spotted on top of the building housing a local police force field office with swat members tasked with searching for snipers.

The government sniper's request to take out the shooter before he fired on Trump was denied by the chief of the secret service there who was working directly for and under Biden.
You have no evidence of that and it clearly shows you are barking mad.
You poor bastard. Your the type that have rooted the country. Absolutely brain dead.
Biden sees himself as a loving, forgiving, kind, gentle, lovable sort of person who would not hurt a flea, while accusing Trump of the worst sort of hateful violent rhetoric like calling the Pelosi attack a joke. Biden's excuses don't fly with Americans who have good sense and logic.

Biden says 'bullseye' remark was mistake, but that Trump is guilty of worse rhetoric (msn.com) 7-15-24

Biden says 'bullseye' remark was mistake, but that Trump is guilty of worse rhetoric ...
President Biden said in an interview with NBC's Lester Holt on Monday that it was a "mistake" to say prior to the weekend assassination attempt on former President Trump that it was "time to put Trump in the bullseye."

However, Biden said he only meant that the nation's focus should be on Trump and the "threat to democracy" he represents. He also said Trump has repeatedly engaged in worse rhetoric — including by "making fun of" and "joking about" the violent attack on Rep. Nancy Pelosi's husband Paul at their home in San Francisco in 2022.
That's only because Trump said it.
Biden painted the bulls-eye on Trump's head. Trump did not paint the bullseye on his own head.
Biden did no such thing. It's was a metaphor so cut your religious lies.
Do you remember when Palin said she had Obama in her criss hairs? Of course not but I do.
How the dementia hanging in there?
There are too many unanswered questions to be dismissed without examination.
The point is you made the claim in your post and I challenge you to prove it.
How could you possibly know that? You're so full of hate and revenge.
Do you really believe Biden was behind it? Little wonder the country is fucked with dickheads like you influencing people. You need to grow up. You've got paranoia issues.