Rhetoric that incites violence

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
Who can forget the dozens of leftist attacks on Trump for his quotes they claim incited violence?

A look back at Trump comments perceived by some as inciting violence​

Who can doubt that hateful verbal attacks on Trump inspired the attempted assassination of Trump yesterday in Pennsylvania? After months of leftist democrat rhetoric claiming all sorts of evil things about Trump and instilling in the minds of gulliuble rubes that Trump needs to be taken down before he completely destroys America, nobody should be surprised that a young kid took it upon himself to save America by killing Trump.

Who can forget the dozens of leftist attacks on Trump for his quotes they claim incited violence?

A look back at Trump comments perceived by some as inciting violence​

Who can doubt that hateful verbal attacks on Trump inspired the attempted assassination of Trump yesterday in Pennsylvania? After months of leftist democrat rhetoric claiming all sorts of evil things about Trump and instilling in the minds of gulliuble rubes that Trump needs to be taken down before he completely destroys America, nobody should be surprised that a young kid took it upon himself to save America by killing Trump.

"It's time to put Trump in the bull's-eye" President Biden.

https://www.theblaze.com/news/5-days-before-apparent-assassination-attempt-biden-told-democrats-it-s-time-to-put-trump-in-the-bull-s-eye?utm_source=theblaze-dailyAM&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Daily-Newsletter__AM%202024-07-14&utm_term=ACTIVE%20LIST%20-%20TheBlaze%20Daily%20AM&tpcc=email 7-13-24

5 days before apparent assassination attempt, Biden told Democrats: 'It's time to put Trump in the bull's-eye'

JULY 13, 2024

"We’re done talking about the debate. It’s time to put Trump in the bull's-eye." –President Joe Biden
Who can forget the dozens of leftist attacks on Trump for his quotes they claim incited violence?

A look back at Trump comments perceived by some as inciting violence​

Who can doubt that hateful verbal attacks on Trump inspired the attempted assassination of Trump yesterday in Pennsylvania? After months of leftist democrat rhetoric claiming all sorts of evil things about Trump and instilling in the minds of gulliuble rubes that Trump needs to be taken down before he completely destroys America, nobody should be surprised that a young kid took it upon himself to save America by killing Trump.

i can doubt it, trump says enough hateful things that might well inspire the shooting.
i can doubt it, trump says enough hateful things that might well inspire the shooting.
I see. Leftist animals claim Trump incited violence by telling supporters to remain peaceful but Biden did not inspire murderers to assassinate Trump by telling them that Trump was the greate=st threat to democracy in our time and we now need to put his head in our bull's-eye gun sights.
Trump incites violence all the time. He lies and then he defends his lies with more lies.
If Trump was a Jew and you were a Nazi you would make up all sorts of dummass reasons for hating Trump. If Trump had been a black man and you had been a racist KKK leader you would have made up all sorts of dummass reasons for hating Trump. But since Trump is a republican and you are a democrat bootlick you make up all sorts of dummass reasons for hating Trump.
If Trump was a Jew and you were a Nazi you would make up all sorts of dummass reasons for hating Trump. If Trump had been a black man and you had been a racist KKK leader you would have made up all sorts of dummass reasons for hating Trump. But since Trump is a republican and you are a democrat bootlick you make up all sorts of dummass reasons for hating Trump.
I hate Trump because Trump is a hateful, nasty piece of shit and has been one all his life. He is incompetent and a narcissistic psychopath.

Shit,DJTSEsameSt.webp even Sesame Street knew this way back when.
I see. Leftist animals claim Trump incited violence by telling supporters to remain peaceful but Biden did not inspire murderers to assassinate Trump by telling them that Trump was the greate=st threat to democracy in our time and we now need to put his head in our bull's-eye gun sights.
if you think you can prove rhetoric incited this, go for it. what other people did has nothing to do with this situation.
so no, you dont see. duh.
Who can forget the dozens of leftist attacks on Trump for his quotes they claim incited violence?

A look back at Trump comments perceived by some as inciting violence​

Who can doubt that hateful verbal attacks on Trump inspired the attempted assassination of Trump yesterday in Pennsylvania? After months of leftist democrat rhetoric claiming all sorts of evil things about Trump and instilling in the minds of gulliuble rubes that Trump needs to be taken down before he completely destroys America, nobody should be surprised that a young kid took it upon himself to save America by killing Trump.

All he's done since he was defeated is advocate violence and revenge and hate and retribution and you wonder why he's hated. Don't blame democrats you idiot. You know exactly why it happened. The only sad part is he's still alive and you'll live to see the day you'll agree with me.
if you think you can prove rhetoric incited this, go for it. what other people did has nothing to do with this situation.
so no, you dont see. duh.
I'm not one of the tribal stupidites who criminally claimed that Trump incited violence by calling for peace and that democrats do not incite violence by inciting racism and hatred.
All he's done since he was defeated is advocate violence and revenge and hate and retribution and you wonder why he's hated. Don't blame democrats you idiot. You know exactly why it happened. The only sad part is he's still alive and you'll live to see the day you'll agree with me.
You seem unable to discern between lying hate speech and truth.