Remember Elian Gonzalez that Bill Clinton sent him back to commie cuba ?


But Puerto Rico isnt an US state. You still have to go though US customs when you enter in the US from Puerto Rico dont you?
What the hell does that have to do with: "...letting them in...". They have virtually the same rights as any other US citizen. All American citizens would have to go through customs on entering the US.
A question for you: If a person were a dullard, would they be aware of that fact? Or, would their dullness shield them from that awareness?

There is a lot more complexity. I believe you will find the answer in that most things are driven by economics.
"No parent has the right to be deprived of his or her child with out due cause and the only due cause I can think of us abuse."

This is one great example of the hypocricy of Libs. Libs have pioneered child's legal "rights" which have nothing to do with abuse. Now, in the minds of Libs, kids have a "right" to contraception and have a right to learn how to put rubbers on bananas. And of course the parents have no rights to stop this.

Libs oppose any form of vouchers in education even if the parents don't want their kids exposed to all the Lib sewage in a public scholl curriculum.

Libs oppose kids being spanked. Libs oppose any punishment that involves shame. Libs oppose any form of competition. Libs think multi-cultrualism is more improtant to teach than the three R's. All this, in spite of the parent's wishes.

"No parent has the right to be deprived of his or her child with out due cause and the only due cause I can think of us abuse."

It's too bad you apply that statement so selectively. Try applying your statement as a blanket and maybe your comments will have more credibility in this forum.
"No parent has the right to be deprived of his or her child with out due cause and the only due cause I can think of us abuse."

This is one great example of the hypocricy of Libs. Libs have pioneered child's legal "rights" which have nothing to do with abuse. Now, in the minds of Libs, kids have a "right" to contraception and have a right to learn how to put rubbers on bananas. And of course the parents have no rights to stop this.

Libs oppose any form of vouchers in education even if the parents don't want their kids exposed to all the Lib sewage in a public scholl curriculum.

Libs oppose kids being spanked. Libs oppose any punishment that involves shame. Libs oppose any form of competition. Libs think multi-cultrualism is more improtant to teach than the three R's. All this, in spite of the parent's wishes.

"No parent has the right to be deprived of his or her child with out due cause and the only due cause I can think of us abuse."

It's too bad you apply that statement so selectively. Try applying your statement as a blanket and maybe your comments will have more credibility in this forum.

What are you talking about? What does any of that have to do with a parents right to their kids and in particular Gonzales'?
Now, in the minds of Libs, kids have a "right" to contraception and have a right to learn how to put rubbers on bananas.

Oh no! Teenagers who are going to be sexually active anyway might learn how to do it safely! Heaven forbid!

And of course the parents have no rights to stop this.

That's not even close to being true. Having very recently been a student at public school which taught abstinence-only sex ed, the parents don't even need to get involved to stop kids from learning about contraception - the government is doing it for them.

Libs oppose any form of vouchers in education even if the parents don't want their kids exposed to all the Lib sewage in a public scholl curriculum.

Because the only reason people might want to take their kids out of public schools are those evil liberals.

Libs oppose kids being spanked.

"Gershoff found "strong associations" between corporal punishment and all eleven child behaviors and experiences. Ten of the associations were negative such as with increased child aggression and antisocial behavior. The single desirable association was between corporal punishment and increased immediate compliance on the part of the child."

Libs oppose any punishment that involves shame.

Shame is negativism. It doesn't positively reinforce "good" values, it just tells you that you suck.

Libs oppose any form of competition.

You'll have to explain what you mean by that.

Libs think multi-cultrualism is more improtant to teach than the three R's.

As important? Yes. More important? No. There's a big difference there.

All this, in spite of the parent's wishes.

Suddenly you speak for all parents? Has it ever occurred to you that a lot of parents support more liberal education?
Not when they arrive with their mother. Once in America he stays..If George Bush truly cares about his party he would allow that little girl stays in america so Mitt Romney can become president of the united states instead of hillary. You gotta think about the Latino vote now..

Considering that your location is "way down south" it doesn't shock me to see you endorse ownership over people.

In other words, slavery.

But When Bill Clinton send Elian Gonalez back to commie cuba it cost Al Gore the Presidency

Besides this point of view being rather quaint, it's also a complete revision of actual history.

In addition, Cuba is a predominantly Socialist nation that's run by a Leninist party; nothing more.

So tell me jack, did you "commune with the spirits" or "roll the bones" to discover the way kids behaved half of a century ago?

Maybe you "saw it in the stars".

How about your knowledge of Russian "manners" under Bolshevik rule?

Did the local gypsy sell you a crystal ball off the back of his wagon so you could find out?

If so you got jipped.

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