Legislating based on morals is not at all the same as creating a theocracy.
the·oc·ra·cy (th-kr-s)
n. pl. the·oc·ra·cies
1. A government ruled by or subject to religious authority.
2. A state so governed.
Care to retract that claim?
Every single person who influences the legislative body of laws in this county will do so based on some world view and a moral one is just as valid as any other.
How can we claim to support religious freedom if we allow others personal religious beliefs to influence our legislation? It is an obvious imposition as religious and moral beliefs are of the most personal in nature.
If one claims that it is invalid then it is that person who is imposing a view.
The most asinine comment I have ever had the privilege of reading on the internet. (which is saying a lot) If you were to claim killing others was a morally acceptable thing to do and I were to disagree saying that cant possibly be moral there would be no imposition. In fact the only imposition here is that asinine comment trying to stifle the voices of those who disagree.
I never said I would impose my moral view on others. I said that I would vote with my moral view advising me just like anyone else would vote with their views advising them.
What on earth do you think you are doing by voting for those who wish to legislate your morality on others? Every time you attempt to legislate your personal moral views via voting you are imposing your morals on others.
We all use our views of the world to influence politicians who will then write laws that establish justice.
When you use absolutes like ALL you are just begging to be proven wrong. In fact minarchist and anarchist alike simply wish to live their own lives according to their own views and wish not to impose these views on others via a corrupt political system.
What gives anyone the right to dictate what justice is? No ONE person does. We have a system* that takes input from all of us and weighs it against the principles of the constitution to dictate justice.
Ok first off besides the obvious fluff and total lack of substance the phrase justice is used rather broadly. Define your terms.
Ok this was not a topic about anarchy you are changing the topic, if you wish to discuss that start a new thread. Secondly there is more fluff than substance in the paragraph.You may prefer a system in which there is no government but that too would be a system of justice. Someones system must be in place and since anarchy leaves the door open for a corrupt government to take over almost all of us prefer a system of government. It IS unfair that those who do not want to live under a government are forced to. And further more it is unfair that they don't consent to live under that system just by virtue of their not choosing to leave. It is the lesser of evils. Our founding fathers agreed that government and taxes were evil but necessary.
*cough* prostitution laws *cough* *cough* Drug War *cough* *cough* alcohol prohibition *cough** Our system does not all for a theocracy even if all the people wanted one, it does not allow for a Christian, or atheist or any majority to impose their ideas on the rest. But it does allow for all groups to have a voice and to use that voice to influence their fellow citizens.
I guess what Im trying to say is bullsh1t.
EG. As a Christian I may want everyone to know the message of salvation but I choose not to propose any laws that would make that compulsary.
The fact that you even consider that an option is scary.
Others may want that and I would argue that there is a greater good to not making the message of salvation mandatory that even advances the Christian message better. I am perfectly capable of being a Christian and voicing my opinions in the legislative marketplace without imposing those ideas on others and it is due to our system that makes that so.
You cant force religious salvation on others for it to be a true conversion it needs to be something of their choosing. Furthermore is you vote for legislators with the intention of making you moral code law that is an imposition.