All you've proven is that if someone looks at Islam the same way you do they can find justification for murder in it. When you get around to it, you can find justification for murder in just about anything. Hell, look at it long enough and you can probably find justification for murder in this post.
When you find this justification in this post, try to ponder the difference between what you have found and-
[2.191] And kill them wherever you find them...then slay them; such is the recompense of the unbelievers.
[47:4]...smite the necks until when you have overcome them...
[8.39] And fight with them until there is no more persecution and religion should be only for Allah
and how much easier the hunt for justification is made by the words of Islamic doctrine.
It takes a lot more than words on a piece of paper to turn people into raving lunatics and suicide bombers.
I was just reading earlier today
The terrorist later said that he and his co-conspiratorsread and exchanged books that declared the rulers of the Arab coun-tries and the rulers of this country as unbelievers, such as the book called Clear Evidence on the Infidel Nature of the Saudi State, and the book called The Religion of Abraham written by Abu Muham-mad al-Maqdisi. When I read this book, The Religion of Abraham, I was eager to pay a visit to Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi. And indeed, I visited him on many occasions in Jordan and was affected by his ideas, publications and books that declare that leaders of Arab states
and the government and the body of senior ulama [theologians] of this country Saudi Arabia are unbelievers.
You should read some Abu Muham-mad al-Maqdisi. Those mentioned above or "Democracy: A Religion" for a good thesis on why Democracy is a religion and why-
It is not the religion of monotheism, and its parliamentary councils are just places of polytheism, and safe havens for paganistic beliefs. All of these must be avoided to achieve monotheism, which is Allah’s right upon His servants. We must destroy those who follow democracy, and we must take their followers as enemies - hate them and wage a great Jihad against them."&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=5&gl=us
The PDF link is dead but the google link should take you to a html file.
Which do you think is more likely - that the words of Quran are making up their minds for them or that their minds are causing them to view the Quran in a specific way?
I dont think they need a reason to "view the Quran" as meaning the clear and ordinary meaning of the words. Whereas I think that someone who views
[2.191] And kill them wherever you find them... to mean that Islam is peace, quiet obviously, "their minds are causing them to view the Quran in a specific way"
Sure there are instances in the Quran that are violent. But are those violent passages causing all this misery or are they just the excuse?
I take them at their word as to what motivates them. As opposed to the word of those who are the apologist for the religion they follow.