Well-Known Member
It does not seem logical that God would implant a "...longing to search for Him...", without some mechanism that would tell us when we have truely found him. The those who worship all other gods seem to have gotten the wrong message or they would not still be worshiping the sun, et. al.
It would seem more likely that belief in God, gods, etc., is an easy answer for people who cannot comprehend scientific reality.
Is it not likely that a strong belief in deities comes from sociological influences that constantly reinforce that erroneous belief? Christians going to church, Muslims praying many times a day? Constant reinforcement.
And why is the intuition (longing to search for Him) to look for God be manifest in me, and many others, as an intuitive feeling the God does not exist? Why have we no, "longing to search for Him..."?
In addition to the "longing to search" there is the testimony of creation and of the prophets to confirm what one sees as actually being God. What of the people who search and find contradictory god's? Or who express that they have no longing? The bible says that the testimony of creation is evident to all and those who do not see it are not merely mistaken - they have exchanged the truth of God for a lie. They could have seen and believed but their own desire to believe otherwise, because it is more palatable to reject a God that expects you to live an upright life, or to accept a false god who reinforces ones political beliefs (etc.) tickles their ears. Even within Christianity which I believe to be the best choice there are people who distort who God is to make him more palatable or to be tickled.
So if we compare all the people of one continent who tend to believe one thing and all the people of another who tend believe another contradictory thing we have to conclude that one whole set of people is wrong. Were'nt they just led astray by a strong cultural influence. The bible also says that no one is tempted beyond their ability to resist. So the noble savage living far away from these cultural influences actually has an advantage rather than it being harder for him to hear about God. But no matter how hard it is still all are without excuse for not finding the one God. For those who we might theorize were truly led astray, so they are without blame, they will not be judged harshly for it.
Anyway you can look inside yourself and evaluate whatever you find there for yourself. If you do not like what I say I won't try to make you believe it. I paraphrased the bible and you don't have to accept that either. it just says what it says and it is up to you what to make of it. God has given everyone some degree of reason to reject the false and move toward the true. Anyone who is honest with themselves will be led by God more and more toward truth.