What do you define as reason, science? ideologies?
How much scientific knowledge, including medicine and the history of man and his origin on earth, based on carbon or other scientific testing has been proven wrong during your lifetime, or at least found lacking in all the pieces, after it was "published" and accepted as fact?
Faith must include reason. One must attempt to determine how facts proven by man relative to the complexity of the human body and especially the mind, answer the question: How was this possible?
I am not entirely ignorant of the sciences. I am not entirely ignorant of various faiths.
I have not found an acceptable explanation for the jump from animal mentality to that of mankind. TA DA! a cliff notes version on a relationship between reason and faith.
How much scientific knowledge, including medicine and the history of man and his origin on earth, based on carbon or other scientific testing has been proven wrong during your lifetime, or at least found lacking in all the pieces, after it was "published" and accepted as fact?
Faith must include reason. One must attempt to determine how facts proven by man relative to the complexity of the human body and especially the mind, answer the question: How was this possible?
I am not entirely ignorant of the sciences. I am not entirely ignorant of various faiths.
I have not found an acceptable explanation for the jump from animal mentality to that of mankind. TA DA! a cliff notes version on a relationship between reason and faith.