Reason vs. Faith...

Ah I give up numinus. All your fancy wording has failed to show me proof of how the Catholic religion is the true religion over all others.

I do not remember endeavoring to prove such a thing, if it is even provable to begin with.

Oh, I can't wait for your reply to federal farmer's query.
I'm not a science freak at all. There is more proof and evidence, whether it is solid or abstract, for accepted scientific theories than religious beliefs though.
I'm not a science freak at all. There is more proof and evidence, whether it is solid or abstract, for accepted scientific theories than religious beliefs though.

And more of the "proof and evidence" of science has been proven wrong over the years, while more and more of the text of the Bible is being proven to be correct. The truth of the matter is that most of the "scientific facts" that are out there have never been truly proven conclusively. They are "Theories", and a theory, no matter how well constructed, no matter how well tested, and no matter how long it's been around is still not "proof", it's still just a theory.
No federal farmer. The people, the places etc. in the Bible can be proved. That is not what I'm interested in questioning, I already am willing to believe that Jesus existed in Jerusalem at the time he is said to, and had a following at the time. I am questioning how people believe the religion itself to be the truth, when there is ultimatley no evidence for one religion over another.
No federal farmer. The people, the places etc. in the Bible can be proved. That is not what I'm interested in questioning, I already am willing to believe that Jesus existed in Jerusalem at the time he is said to, and had a following at the time. I am questioning how people believe the religion itself to be the truth, when there is ultimatley no evidence for one religion over another.

Well, considering that I'm not the least bit interested in whether one religion is "better" than another, I have no dog in that fight. As for how people can believe in Jesus's teachings, and try to live their lives according to a more enlightened standard that asks that we all treat each other as we would expect to be treated, to me, frankly, is a "no brainer".

The real question, that is so often overlooked in these debates about Christianity is this, WHY NOT? Not the ancient history of what men who 'claimed' to be Christians did, but why not follow the teachings of Jesus? It's not like we're talking about Islam here, where Muhammad (piss be on him) demanded that his followers convert, blackmail, or kill anyone who doesn't believe as they do, I'm talking about the teachings of a man who instructs us to turn the other cheek, to be kind to strangers, to help other people regardless of whether they're like us or not, and to have mercy on the sick and lame. So, why not? What is so 'bad' about the teachings of Jesus that Atheists have such a problem with it, especially when all they're really talking about is the very thing they claim to be against?
No federal farmer. The people, the places etc. in the Bible can be proved. That is not what I'm interested in questioning, I already am willing to believe that Jesus existed in Jerusalem at the time he is said to, and had a following at the time. I am questioning how people believe the religion itself to be the truth, when there is ultimatley no evidence for one religion over another.

So, what you are really against is christian ethics? Am I understanding your stand correctly?
Federal Farmer talks about following the teachings of Jesus and turning the other cheek but is in favour of the war on Iraq???? Mind you, to be fair Iraq did not attack the US so the US didn't have the chance to turn the other cheek. Obviously blitzing a country is fine. In fact I think I remeber Jeses preaching that thou shalt attack and burn innocent women and children to steal their oil and they should turn the other cheek.

And isn't your god going to burn people for ever for the appaling crime of not believing in the vicious old bastard?

That's a good lesson for us.

So I'm not sure why you want to piss on Muslims. Is golden shower your thing?
I bet you can't wait to get a nice Muslim guy you can urinate on eh?

You are soooo ridiculous.
Is that more of the teachings of Jesus heh Federal ****wit?

Or is it the ramblings of a rancorous dickhead who tries to compensate for his inadequacy with fire and brimstone?

Clue, it is the second one.
I thought Fed Farmer made it clear that he/she was not a Christian. And yet you two are attempting to malign the Christian faith and Fed Farmer at the same time by saying that he is acting unChristlike. Go figure.