No federal farmer. The people, the places etc. in the Bible can be proved. That is not what I'm interested in questioning, I already am willing to believe that Jesus existed in Jerusalem at the time he is said to, and had a following at the time. I am questioning how people believe the religion itself to be the truth, when there is ultimatley no evidence for one religion over another.
Well, considering that I'm not the least bit interested in whether one religion is "better" than another, I have no dog in that fight. As for how people can believe in Jesus's teachings, and try to live their lives according to a more enlightened standard that asks that we all treat each other as we would expect to be treated, to me, frankly, is a "no brainer".
The real question, that is so often overlooked in these debates about Christianity is this,
WHY NOT? Not the ancient history of what men who 'claimed' to be Christians did, but why not follow the
teachings of Jesus? It's not like we're talking about Islam here, where Muhammad (piss be on him) demanded that his followers convert, blackmail, or kill anyone who doesn't believe as they do, I'm talking about the teachings of a man who instructs us to turn the other cheek, to be kind to strangers, to help other people regardless of whether they're like us or not, and to have mercy on the sick and lame. So, why not? What is so 'bad' about the teachings of Jesus that Atheists have such a problem with it, especially when all they're really talking about is the very thing they claim to be against?