Most little children think that their parents are being "mean to them" when they punish them too, but thankfully most of us grow out of it by the time we're in our early 20's, seems that you two just haven't gotten there yet. As far as anyone being an "arse", that would be you two, for continually insisting on trying to play your little "God doesn't exist, and you can't prove it" game.
OK, not that the silly little "fun and games" are out of the way, nobody is seriously saying that God sent the tsunami, or any other natural disaster to punish anyone. The point was that natural disasters are just that, natural, and if people are dumb enough to live in low lying areas that flood on a regular basis, the deserve what they get. Same for the idiots that live in earthquake zones, hurricane country, tornado alley, or any place else that is routinely trashed. Take the idiots in New Orleans for instance. They knew they were living in a city that is 12' below sea level, surrounded by 25' tall levees, and they had the gall to act surprised when Katrina flooded them out? Take the idiots that live in tornado alley, and have been wiped out 5 times in the past 20 years. They KNOW that they live in an area that gets hit by tornadoes, and yet they continue to live there. What about the idiots who live in the mountains and get wiped out by avalanches? They know it snows there (a LOT), they know they're on the side of a mountain, they know that avalanches happen frequently, yet they choose to remain. How about the raving idiots like Harry Truman who had his home on Mt. St. Helen's, and refused to leave even after he was told that it was about to erupt? He knew it was coming, and yet he stayed, and he paid for his idiocy with his life. IDIOTS. Please note the frequent use of the word "idiot" as my favorite description of those people; I use it intentionally, because that's what they are. If they're not smart enough to move away from a place that routinely gets wiped out, then I thank God that they're dead, because they were too stupid to be allowed to continue to populate the Earth and procreate even more idiots. Ever hear of the Darwin Awards? THEY WON!
Like I said before, God isn't some mid-level micro-manager, and anyone who thinks he is really doesn't understand God.