Public Schools - Indoctrination Centers

Partisan or political or unbiased?
Maybe you meant biased?
Sure, that's probably why I haven't seen many examples in t he schools. Schools tend to avoid partisan political subjects.

as well they should.
Let's not confuse Pragmatism with non-partisanship... Did you ever encourage students to think "pragmatically", to focus on "what works" instead of ideological dogma?
Let's not confuse Pragmatism with non-partisanship... Did you ever encourage students to think "pragmatically", to focus on "what works" instead of ideological dogma?
I focused on what the California State standards said should be focused on: Teaching children to find information, analyze it, and make up their own minds.

That way, when they do hear ideological dogma, they will be able to recognize it for what it is.
I focused on what the California State standards said should be focused on: Teaching children to find information, analyze it, and make up their own minds.

That way, when they do hear ideological dogma, they will be able to recognize it for what it is.

analize. it how ?
Partisan or political or unbiased?
Maybe you meant biased?
Sure, that's probably why I haven't seen many examples in t he schools. Schools tend to avoid partisan political subjects.

as well they should.

Yes I meant biased.

No, I meant that you have not witnessed indoctrination since you were only looking for examples in which it is forced. If one looks for bias it is there everyday - not only from the left. Go to NY and it will almost all be from the left go to parts of the south and you will find it from the right
analize. it how ?
The bureaucratic language is "critical thinking skills", which includes such things as separating fact from opinion, using fact to support opinion, cause and effect, finding the main idea of a paragraph, along with the supporting details.

All of the above is highly biased against both the "right wing" and the "left wing" ideology, as it teaches people to recognize BS for what it is.
The bureaucratic language is "critical thinking skills", which includes such things as separating fact from opinion, using fact to support opinion, cause and effect, finding the main idea of a paragraph, along with the supporting details.

All of the above is highly biased against both the "right wing" and the "left wing" ideology, as it teaches people to recognize BS for what it is.

Last year I went to a neighbors 3rd grade open house at the local p-school. The kids displayed projects around the room of things they had worked on. There were also work folders at each childs desk. I forget the subject, I think it was California Missions, was a work list tying in history along with social studies. One thing that caught my eye were liberal words like "diversity" and "social justice". Maybe alone by themselves as spelling words they don't mean much, but to incorporate these words into the way a class is being taught makes me very suspicious of what the actual lesson being taught was really all about.

Another thing I noticd apart from school (same neighbor's kid) was on the back of a girl scout catalog for GS merchandise. What caught my attention there were the words "environmental justice". Sorry, but the liberal indoctrination of our kids is alive and well and not just in the school system. Have you watched Sesame Street lately?
ok. not that diffetent than here.

cause and effect CAN be subject to opinion though. look around here as an example.

how do you approach understanding. a full set of data upon which to establish C&E ?
ok. not that diffetent than here.

cause and effect CAN be subject to opinion though. look around here as an example.

how do you approach understanding. a full set of data upon which to establish C&E ?
Gradually, a little at a time. Kids can only absorb so much.
Last year I went to a neighbors 3rd grade open house at the local p-school. The kids displayed projects around the room of things they had worked on. There were also work folders at each childs desk. I forget the subject, I think it was California Missions, was a work list tying in history along with social studies. One thing that caught my eye were liberal words like "diversity" and "social justice". Maybe alone by themselves as spelling words they don't mean much, but to incorporate these words into the way a class is being taught makes me very suspicious of what the actual lesson being taught was really all about.

Another thing I noticd apart from school (same neighbor's kid) was on the back of a girl scout catalog for GS merchandise. What caught my attention there were the words "environmental justice". Sorry, but the liberal indoctrination of our kids is alive and well and not just in the school system. Have you watched Sesame Street lately?

If they were studying California Missions, it was fourth grade.

Environmental justice sounds like a girl scout message.

Are you against diversity and social justice?
Are you against diversity and social justice?

It's not about me, other than it caught my attention. Where those words used in texts and teaching instructions when you taught? What grades did you teach?
Gradually, a little at a time. Kids can only absorb so much.


its areas like this which are to some degree subjective where a liberal outlook can be.(not nessisarily WILL be) imparted.

also selection of what to analyze.

others like to hang onto grossly biased examples but that. allows the little nudges to go unnoticed.

people are not wired to complete lack of bias so its very difficult to be.that way.
what is social justice ? i know what justis is. seems an odd combination.

This is from wiki;

A socially just society is based on the principles of equality and solidarity, understands and values human rights, and recognizes the dignity of every human being.[1][2] Social justice is based on the concepts of human rights and equality and involves a greater degree of economic egalitarianism through progressive taxation, income redistribution, or even property redistribution.

Sounds more like the road to serfdom than equality.
That way, when they do hear ideological dogma, they will be able to recognize it for what it is.
You only seem to be able to recognize "ideological dogma" in the opinions of others but not your own. Your aversion to ideological principle comes from adherence to your own dogmatic ideology - Pragmatism.

Are you against diversity and social justice?
As defined and used by the Left, yes... 100% against it. The phrase "Social Justice" had to be created because calling it what it is, legalized slavery, doesn't poll well. As for "diversity", that applies to everything except thought when it comes to the Left - Sure they want people to be different in immaterial ways, looks, faith, color, sex, etc. just so long as everyone conforms to the same ideology.

Are you against ideological principle?