Public Schools - Indoctrination Centers

It isn't public schools which are indoctrinating and brainwashing kids - it's evangelical Christian home-schooling parents who are doing this ,
plus the awful Bible camps which turn them into right-wing loony ignoramuses . Have you seen the extremely disturbing documentary
"Jesus Camp"? This shows how parents send their kids to these awful fascistic, theocratic indoctrination centers to be turned into
Jesus freaks .
Home-schooling parents teach their kids to be just as ignorant, stupid, narrow-minded ,intolerant and self-righteous as they are .
As well as being scientific ignoramuses who actually believe that the world was created by an old man with a white beard 6,000 years ago
in one week . And that Adam and Eve, a garden of Eden, a talking snake, forbidden fruit, Noah and his ark actrually existed , and that dinosaurs
lived along with humans .
These parents are terrified that if theirk ids went to public school , and gay people appeared there pleading for tolerance of homosexuality,
it would actually make their kids gay . They thik that evil gay perverts are out to "recruit" their kids in the gay lifestyle .
What a bunch of ignorant morons !
It isn't public schools which are indoctrinating and brainwashing kids - it's evangelical Christian home-schooling parents who are doing this ,
plus the awful Bible camps which turn them into right-wing loony ignoramuses . Have you seen the extremely disturbing documentary
"Jesus Camp"? This shows how parents send their kids to these awful fascistic, theocratic indoctrination centers to be turned into
Jesus freaks .
Home-schooling parents teach their kids to be just as ignorant, stupid, narrow-minded ,intolerant and self-righteous as they are .
As well as being scientific ignoramuses who actually believe that the world was created by an old man with a white beard 6,000 years ago
in one week . And that Adam and Eve, a garden of Eden, a talking snake, forbidden fruit, Noah and his ark actrually existed , and that dinosaurs
lived along with humans .
These parents are terrified that if theirk ids went to public school , and gay people appeared there pleading for tolerance of homosexuality,
it would actually make their kids gay . They thik that evil gay perverts are out to "recruit" their kids in the gay lifestyle .
What a bunch of ignorant morons !

I know some homeschooling parents and none of what you state applies to them. Must be they are the exception.
I know some homeschooling parents and none of what you state applies to them. Must be they are the exception.

I know some homeschooling parents too and their reasons have nothing to do with religion. They are teachers, who have taught in public schools. How is that for an endorsement of the public system?
Anything from a source that doesn't have as an agenda the ending of public education and the promotion of private schools where children can be indoctrinated for real.

Yeah children aren't REALLY indoctrinated in the p-schools.....:confused::confused::confused:....
private schools where children can be indoctrinated for real.
I too think it's amazing that you don't see the Leftist indoctrination that takes place at public schools... What makes you believe children would be "indoctrinated for real" at a private school and indoctrinated with what ideology?
I too think it's amazing that you don't see the Leftist indoctrination that takes place at public schools... What makes you believe children would be "indoctrinated for real" at a private school and indoctrinated with what ideology?

Hey THC....can you answer Gen's post? I am certain it will be most enlightening.
And why is nothing done about the failure of the p-schools to educate? One would think something would be done after DECADES of failures, but not in the age of Liberalism.

We have large numbers of Americans unable to read, write, or do simple math. But thanks to liberalism, these people can depend on government for their subsistence....which allows government ever more power. What a wonderful system.

Only 7% of Detroit Public-School 8th Graders Proficient in Reading

Detroit public-school eighth graders do even worse in math than they do in reading, according to the Department of Education. While only 7 percentscored highly enough on the department’s National Assessment of Educational Progress test in 2011 to be rated “proficient” or better in reading, only 4 percent scored highly enough to be rated “proficient” or better in math.
Statewide in Michigan, only 32 percent of public-school eighth gradersscored grade-level proficient or better in reading, and only 31 percent scored grade-level proficient or better in math.
68 percent of Michigan public-school eighth graders are not proficient in reading and 69 percent are not proficient in math.
And why is nothing done about the failure of the p-schools to educate? One would think something would be done after DECADES of failures, but not in the age of Liberalism.

We have large numbers of Americans unable to read, write, or do simple math. But thanks to liberalism, these people can depend on government for their subsistence....which allows government ever more power. What a wonderful system.
Only 7% of Detroit Public-School 8th Graders Proficient in Reading

Is it any wonder Detroit is such a hell hole? The place needs to be razed along with the teachers union.

I listened to an interview with a teacher from an inner city school say that a lot of kids only show up one or two days a week. One school even wanted to pay the kids to stay in the classroom.
And why is nothing done about the failure of the p-schools to educate? One would think something would be done after DECADES of failures, but not in the age of Liberalism.

We have large numbers of Americans unable to read, write, or do simple math. But thanks to liberalism, these people can depend on government for their subsistence....which allows government ever more power. What a wonderful system.

pick your favorite
a. theyre throwing money as as fast as they can !!!
b. they cant admit the effects of decades of liberal policy have destroyed the family structure that bound socities into the productive engines that fueled the stunning acheivments of the past
I've been bi*ching about public education for the last three decades and all I've seen happen is it swirling the drain more now than it ever was.
I too think it's amazing that you don't see the Leftist indoctrination that takes place at public schools... What makes you believe children would be "indoctrinated for real" at a private school and indoctrinated with what ideology?

Whatever ideology the owner of the school feels appropriate. In the public schools, the curriculum is set by the state and the elected school board. Here in the late, great, liberal state of California, that curriculum includes reading, writing, science, history and critical thinking, which includes why generalizations (such as the ones being used to blast public education on this thread) are not logically sound. It does not include creationism or religious or political indoctrination.

The assertion that public schools are indoctrinating children is based on the same talking points regularly spewed on rant radio, which, unfortunately, substitutes for thinking for so much of our population.