Public Schools - Indoctrination Centers

I don't like it when there is black student union but a white student union is not allow. there are gay student clubs in the school but no straight guys can have a club. then the gay club take up room in school hall :mad:

It is from the Student Achievement Partners Instructions. This group is made up of the three main primary writers of CC. It is in the teacher instruction portion of CC.
there is no teacher instruction portion of common core. Student Achievement Partners are quite open to say what they are.

So .... you are saying the article is wrong .......

Is that your opinion or do you have a resource suggesting so?
your links were only video and the video would nkt play. so I went to the website of the group who produced the content being referred to. if your content suggests that this is part of common core then it is wrong.
your links were only video and the video would nkt play. so I went to the website of the group who produced the content being referred to. if your content suggests that this is part of common core then it is wrong.
The teacher instructions are not part of CC. They are written by the same writers of CC, Some states are requiring teacher to follow the teacher instruction ... how long will it be before they all demand this ... it is a backdoor to federal required curriculum and it is happening !
The teacher instructions are not part of CC. They are written by the same writers of CC, Some states are requiring teacher to follow the teacher instruction ... how long will it be before they all demand this ... it is a backdoor to federal required curriculum and it is happening !
And as always, parents at the local level have the power and respinibility to make their school boards understand their expectations.
And as always, parents at the local level have the power and respinibility to make their school boards understand their expectations.
Maybe ... maybe not. School Boards are usually made up of businessmen/politicians who are not educators. But, if it is going to come down to CC and forced government curriculum, why do we even need a "school board"?
Maybe ... maybe not. School Boards are usually made up of businessmen/politicians who are not educators. But, if it is going to come down to CC and forced government curriculum, why do we even need a "school board"?
Because it wont so long as parents love their children. Businessmen areban ally in this regard.
Because it wont so long as parents love their children. Businessmen areban ally in this regard.
This of course varies from state to state. Some parents believe it is a good thing to exposed their children to Marxist propaganda. Fortunately, not all states are communist states like New York, New jersey, etc. That's what makes a National Standard so bad.

Allow the states to decide their own future of education and keep the Federal Government out of it. We all know what the Federal Government wants to do.
And as always, parents at the local level have the power and respinibility to make their school boards understand their expectations.

This is a federally funded program. When the states agreed to take on Common Core, they were given money to implement the program. You need to read the contract between the state and the feds. It's very clear that they are required to follow the CC standards and can only deviate from the "suggested" course by no more than 15% if they want to receive federal funds.

So no, it doesn't matter much how the parents, boards, teachers feel about it.
This is a federally funded program. When the states agreed to take on Common Core, they were given money to implement the program. You need to read the contract between the state and the feds. It's very clear that they are required to follow the CC standards and can only deviate from the "suggested" course by no more than 15% if they want to receive federal funds.

So no, it doesn't matter much how the parents, boards, teachers feel about it.
Standards being the operative word here. there is more than one way to satisfy the standard.