Yep. Same is true for secular humanists and atheists and free thinkers as well.
Remaining uncommitted until proof is given is not the same as proselytizing and trying to convert people into a particular sect that inside its own self varies widely on something as relevant as when the earth began.
Given how clear those ten are if you are a practicing Jew then you better obey them.
Well I'm a Lutheran Christian turned agnostic and my point still remains.
Consider every wrong thing you have ever done. Every selfish or harmful act, every malicious thought, every thing that was less than fully loving. If you are anything like me then it numbers into the tens of thousands. Surely god will be fair if you were not clear our were uncertain one some of them. But there only needs to be one in which you were very clearly aware of the wrong you were doing and you would be guilty. Assuming a just God, how will you be forgiven for the wrong you have knowingly done?
It's not about that I don't feel bad and remorsefull for every single wrong I've ever knowingly done... I do. It's that without any preconcieved prejudice I simply do not see any legitimate evidence of nor do I believe any of the man made religions are connected in anyway to a God.
Now if that has honestly not been made clear to me and I did go along not truly believing... then that would be a sin in and of itself.