Well-Known Member
You call bull?
OK maybe I'm only hearing from the 35% that believe in new earth... I have no idea. 35% is still a lot of very confused people but that's their problem not mine.
Remember the 35% represents a percentage of the people on those websites not of all people in America or all Christians in America.
At least you know I'm not just making this stuff up off the top of my head. That's what I've been told by at least 2 or 3 super well known TV Evangelists... and I've heard it other places as well. Hell we have a CREATION MUSEUM right here in in Ohio. Little caveman kids playing with dinosaurs it's adorable. Dinosaurs walking two by two up the ramp getting on the Ark it's awe inspiring. Can't blame me for listening.![]()
I am also not sure that I would want to be gathering my evidence from TV evangelists or a creation museum. They don't exactly have a track record for being credible or unbiased.
But that's fine let's go the other way then. Why do you suppose the jigsaw puzzel... just so we all get to guess and not know?
If ALL the answers were stated point blank what you take away from it would not be faith would it?
God gave us minds lets use them. Our minds would be kind of redundant if we never needed to figure anything out.
But I ask you. Which brings more glory to God? The person who would stand face to face before God at his last moment in life, sees His wonder and worships because he has no logical alternative? Or the one who experiences his whole life as a process, growing and changing and figuring out that God is wonderful and should be worshiped? Why else do we live at all if not for the process?