Originally Posted by PLC1
Mormons don't dismiss evolution, nor do they believe that their underwear is "magic".
The purpose of the special underwear is two fold: It has symbols relating to faith in Christ and in the second coming, and it discourages immodest dress, as outer garments have to be sufficient to cover it.
Mormonism has to be the most misunderstood religion on the planet.
My ex-wife's mother was a converted Morman (nice lady).
And I don't know their stand on evolution but with all due respect if you look into the beginnings of the Mormon religion it is probably one of the most silly... and I'm not even getting into the whole polygamy thing. I watched a looong documentary on it trying to grip on it being family and all.
Joseph Smith, Jesus appeared in America, his many mystical visions, the whole finding the secret hidden records and Joseph began his translation.
The record was engraved upon the plates in "reformed Egyptian", a language Smith read by gazing into the "Urim and Thummim", the biblical "seers" delivered to him with the plates.
Personally I like the magic underwear thing... don't harsh my buzz on that!

I believe Mike Huckabee... THERE WAS MAGIC UNDERWEAR!!!