Prove that God doesn't exist.

Does God exist?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 63 59.4%
  • No.

    Votes: 44 41.5%

  • Total voters
No PROB!!!!!!!!!!!!

that was a seemingly well thought out website (notwithstanding the obvious bias of a site that calls itself "evilbible".

But every single one of the objections listed was flawed.

For a start it only attacked the Christian God and the question posed to you was about the concept of God. Then it goes on to tear apart the argument that one cannot disprove a negative (any god at all) by showing that one could disprove the Christian God if He were found to be self-contradictory. But switching definitions mid-steam does not prove anything except that the author is flawed.

He then continues with a nice list of problems with the Christian God all of them based on claims made by Christians that are not necessarily made by Christians are representative of what Christians say.

He does do a good job of proving that the narrowly defined concept of God that he does not believe in has some strong arguments against it - but completely fails to show that he is not making a straw man argument from start to finish.
Since there is so much incredible variation in the beliefs of those who claim to be Christian, almost any statement one makes about Christians can be both true and false.
Ok, for all you Atheists out there: Let's hear your argument against the existence of God. For those of you believers: why should/shouldn't God/religion play a part in politics???

God does not exist simply because I say so. If you wish to convince me, call him over, and introduce me to him, yes? I should love to meet the old superior guy.

The illogic is absolutely staggering. Many people use the proof of MY existence that He indeed does exist. Yet, I have destroyed many a clergyman by asking, WHO CREATED GOD? Matter cannot appear out of nothingness. One cannot create oneself. Hmmm? I have been kicked out of enough churches to know when the wool is being pulled over my eyes. It is also why I embrace an ideology that would have absolutely no problem with crushing religion once and for all.
Ok, for all you Atheists out there: Let's hear your argument against the existence of God. For those of you believers: why should/shouldn't God/religion play a part in politics???

First: You have framed an impossible question. One cannot prove a negative. The question would be on you to... Prove God does exist.

Secondly: Until you could prove that God exists (which you can't because believing in God is purely a "FAITH" based activity) it would be totally wrong & unfair to enslave people to one particular religious doctrine.

And interestingly that's one of THE MOST IMPRESSIVE things our Founding Fathers recognized all those many years ago. Many don't realize but many of our founders were Deists who believed in a type of God that created everything and then just went away which is in great contradiction to most all man made religions and including the ones where Jesus plays a roll.

Our Founding Fathers saw the terrible mess created when religion becomes so intertwined with government that it actually is the government. As was the case with the Church of England in Great Britain. Many came to the new world specifically to get away from religious persecution.

They specifically wanted a separation of church and state where any religious belief or no religious belief held the same sway over the government decision making process that affected all it's people.

It was a very wise concept then... and equally wise today.

The oldest complete copy of the Bible--Old and New Testament--is now online <> and it is substantially different than the Bibles we use today. This is simply another nail in the coffin of the myth of "God's Word".
God does not exist simply because I say so. If you wish to convince me, call him over, and introduce me to him, yes? I should love to meet the old superior guy.

The illogic is absolutely staggering. Many people use the proof of MY existence that He indeed does exist. Yet, I have destroyed many a clergyman by asking, WHO CREATED GOD? Matter cannot appear out of nothingness. One cannot create oneself. Hmmm? I have been kicked out of enough churches to know when the wool is being pulled over my eyes. It is also why I embrace an ideology that would have absolutely no problem with crushing religion once and for all.

Matter can be created out of nothing, virtual particles appear and disappear from the quantum vacuum in a continuous process called "quantum foam."
The oldest complete copy of the Bible--Old and New Testament--is now online <> and it is substantially different than the Bibles we use today. This is simply another nail in the coffin of the myth of "God's Word".

And, you have read this old Bible? Here is what I got from your link:

The Codex Sinaiticus is the oldest known complete copy of the Judaeo-Christian bible known to exist. It is now online, and it will give you a chance to read a text uncorrupted by the fog of translation. Of course, you'll have to be fluent in classical Greek and a number of other dead languages, but, after all, if you're serious about scripture, what's a little learning?

So, how's your classical Greek and other dead languages?
God does not exist simply because I say so.

It would appear that reality is independent of your thoughts.

If you wish to convince me, call him over, and introduce me to him, yes? I should love to meet the old superior guy.

That is good if it is true. I suppose you are saying you would be convinced by evidence. That is good too. But the OP asked you to prove that God does not exist, not to demonstrate that you want to meet God.
The illogic is absolutely staggering. Many people use the proof of MY existence that He indeed does exist.

Those people would be wrong.
Yet, I have destroyed many a clergyman by asking, WHO CREATED GOD?

Hmmm? You have a pretty high opinion of yourself. I doubt you have destroyed any clergy by asking that question.
Matter cannot appear out of nothingness.

That would be one of the laws of physics. Yet our best physicists tell us that matter was created from nothing and many of them think it is still being created from nothing. Guess those laws of physics are not so iron clad.
One cannot create oneself. Hmmm? I have been kicked out of enough churches to know when the wool is being pulled over my eyes.

I suppose one cannot create oneself. Did someone here claim that God created Himself? No, I don't think so.

It is also why I embrace an ideology that would have absolutely no problem with crushing religion once and for all.

Which would make you many things. Most of them not good.
First: You have framed an impossible question. One cannot prove a negative. The question would be on you to... Prove God does exist.

Negatives are proven all the time. Is there a coin in my front left pocket? When I show you the empty pocket I have proven that there is no coin in it.

If you mean that one cannot presently prove that God does not exist that would be true.

Secondly: Until you could prove that God exists (which you can't because believing in God is purely a "FAITH" based activity) it would be totally wrong & unfair to enslave people to one particular religious doctrine.
The existence of God can be proven. All that needs to happen is that He show himself to someone. Many have claimed that exactly that has happened.

Last I heard the predominant religious doctrines in the US are totally voluntary.

Saying that people are being enslaved to one is a straw man.

They specifically wanted a separation of church and state where any religious belief or no religious belief held the same sway over the government decision making process that affected all it's people.

Well you didn't understand that one totally. They were far more interested in keeping gov out of religion than the other way around.
The oldest complete copy of the Bible--Old and New Testament--is now online <> and it is substantially different than the Bibles we use today. This is simply another nail in the coffin of the myth of "God's Word".

The only myth here is that the codex s. changes the meanings of Christianity in any significant way whatsoever.

Every new discovery of an old text helps up to be more clear and confident in our translations. The C.S. helps us be more clear and confident.

If you want to show us any, any at all, portion of the C.S. that weakens our understanding of the message of the bible feel free to post it.

There are exactly 3036 differences between the C.S. and the Codex Bezea for example. They are all minor tiny differences in insignificant aspects of text, like the spelling of personal names. Does anyone really care if if a name is spelled with a plain greek letter iota or a upsilon greek letter iota? For example the C.S. might use the letter ει when another version uses the same letter written υι.

The important thing to learn here is not that there are over 3000 tiny differences in things like spelling but that there is a huge agreement in meaning!!!
I know that god exists, because I am him. I didn't want to intimidate the rest of those posting on this board, so I kept my identity a secret. Now, it's time to come out and declare my true magnificence.

As proof, I offer the fact that I've never been wrong, nor made an error.

If you don't believe me, prove me wrong.
Negatives are proven all the time. Is there a coin in my front left pocket? When I show you the empty pocket I have proven that there is no coin in it.

If you mean that one cannot presently prove that God does not exist that would be true.

I was pointing at the following...

The claim "you can't prove a negative" is often used as a shorthand in discussions to refer to the difficulty of gathering experimental evidence to "prove" that something does not exist. Proving that a phenomenon isn't real takes a lot more time and effort than it takes to demonstrate it. This is especially true when the definition of the phenomenon can be changed at will by its believers. Its very difficult to prove the general non-existence of a phenomenon, and this difficulty is used by believers of many kinds of phenomena to give the appearance of credibility to their beliefs.

The existence of God can be proven. All that needs to happen is that He show himself to someone. Many have claimed that exactly that has happened.

So that means ghosts exist and big foot exists and for little children Santa Claus exists. You're not winning me over.

Last I heard the predominant religious doctrines in the US are totally voluntary.

Ah but their Radical Evangelist wings are constantly trying to infringe in on the lives of those of different beliefs or on just plain non-believers. The evangelical snake oil salesman is often disingenuous and dangerous. Often the prey on the weak or desperate and try to push their religious agenda politically.

Saying that people are being enslaved to one is a straw man.

I don't see where I said that so I can't respond.

Well you didn't understand that one totally. They were far more interested in keeping gov out of reliion than the other way around.

But they wanted in fact rightfully from experiance saw the great need for both. Which is my point.;)
The important thing to learn here is not that there are over 3000 tiny differences in things like spelling but that there is a huge agreement in meaning!!!
That is why there is only one "Christian" religion and why there is no such things as: Catholic, Methodist, Seventh Day Adventists, Baptist, Lutheran, Mormon, Episcopalian, Jehovah Witness, Amish, Quaker, Nazarene, et. al.
That is why there is only one "Christian" religion and why there is no such things as: Catholic, Methodist, Seventh Day Adventists, Baptist, Lutheran, Mormon, Episcopalian, Jehovah Witness, Amish, Quaker, Nazarene, et. al.

That's also why the Irish, after 375 years of peaceful English rule, from 1169 to the time of Henry VIII, began fighting the English over religion...Protestant and Catholicm, and tension continues in Ireland today, with July 12 a tense time every year.
That is why there is only one "Christian" religion and why there is no such things as: Catholic, Methodist, Seventh Day Adventists, Baptist, Lutheran, Mormon, Episcopalian, Jehovah Witness, Amish, Quaker, Nazarene, et. al.

Ah ha! Logic and fact wrapped in side splitting sarcasm all in one single offering.... well played my friend, well played.

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