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Well, you knew it was coming....a rant from the middle. :wall:
It only takes four votes in SCOTUS to hear a case. All it would've taken to prevent all of this was the four Conservative Justices voting to hear these appeals. But instead they chose to cave to an untested social trend born of the outspin of the groovy 1960s free-love cult. And in the end they have sacraficed the wellbeing of children on the altar of political pressures. Our conservative principles have finally been abandoned by the last bastion in place to preserve them... Vote accordingly... Independents anyone?
Just as all the LGBT cultees are doing, polygamists may now in any of the states with no legal marriage laws on the books [Courtesy of SCOTUS' de facto legislating-from-the-bench-by-refusing-to-hear-allowing-attrition "Decision]. Attrition not only applies just to LGBTs. ANY person so desiring to be married to any other person or persons in any of the affected attrition-states may marry. Could Polygamists Sue To Marry In California Right Now US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
From this thread we have the below conversation:
9th Circuit Assumes Legislative Power In Same Sex Marriage Case Page 6 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I would say that one test of any such law is how integral it is to Constitutional protections already longstanding and unquestioned. And further most recently reiterated by Windsor 2013. The right for states to self-govern with respect to HUMAN BEHAVIORS [verb] [not race, not religion, not country of origin or one's gender][nouns] is the most fundamental right of any state or its citizens/voters. Any question of law that challenges that right must not dominate it in the interim as those appeals go upward.
The default decision must always be the one that supports the most fundamental right of all: the right to democracy. The challanger has the burden. Just like any plaintiff, "the burden is upon you" to show how accepted foundations of law "must be overruled". This SCOTUS is not only de facto legislating outside its authority [by refusing to hear these most compelling cases...attrition...] but is actually dissolving the bedrock of the constitution in the interim.
What they've effectively done is eradicated any binding description of marriage now in any of these states. And as such, ANYONE can marry there RIGHT NOW. It isn't limited to just LGBT cultees swarming the county clerks' offices to 'marry their way into legality '. Polygamists, siblings, anyone...could march in and "legally" [since there are no laws now] demand a marriage licence. Turning them away would be arbitrary and discriminatory.
ie: By refusing to hear the cases, the SCOTUS has created a situation of complete lawlessness as to the most fundamental institution of our nation [marriage] and as such, the children will suffer. This was a calculated decision to legislate without making it look like they are legislating. They know that the attrition happening in the interim during the "convenient/effective limbo-legislation" is the same as a sweeping federal protection for gay marriage issued from the bench. And I hold the conservative Justices accountable since only 4 Justices were needed to bring this case before the Bench.
I'm rethinking my crossover voting as we speak...
Every Justice should hang their head in shame. This is why the most careful selection of the most unbiased, fair and wise man or woman selected for the seat of Supreme Court Justice should be one of the most exhaustive searches a President and Congress should do. Playing partisan politics is a byproduct of malignant capitalism and everyone grappling for dominance from whichever ilk they hearken from. And it is KILLING this country.
I get it. We're on the eve of a pivotal election. But this is beyond the pale. Unless the GOP has a last minute plan to pull up from this nosedive, my respect for the strong party [who knuckles under to gay pressures?] is in the TOILET. Playing partisan politics with our nation's most fundamental conservative institution [marriage] has rendered the conservative party as much of a common streewalking prostitute as any leftwing nutjob.
You made people angry all right. Especially when we know that it is, in essence, the fault of conservatives now and not those who "know not what they do" who forced us to hand off to future generations "gay marriage" and all the unknown but predictable outfalls of this.
We've seen the culture. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to extrapolate what this means for society, our children and our future...
Enjoy kids!
It only takes four votes in SCOTUS to hear a case. All it would've taken to prevent all of this was the four Conservative Justices voting to hear these appeals. But instead they chose to cave to an untested social trend born of the outspin of the groovy 1960s free-love cult. And in the end they have sacraficed the wellbeing of children on the altar of political pressures. Our conservative principles have finally been abandoned by the last bastion in place to preserve them... Vote accordingly... Independents anyone?
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court unexpectedly cleared the way Monday for a dramatic expansion of gay marriage in the United States and may have signaled that it's only a matter of time before same-sex couples can marry in all 50 states.
Rejecting appeals from five states seeking to preserve their bans, the Supreme Court effectively made such marriages legal in 30 states, up from 19 and the District of Columbia, taking in every region of the country. Supreme Court clears the way for gay marriage expansion Sun Journal
Just as all the LGBT cultees are doing, polygamists may now in any of the states with no legal marriage laws on the books [Courtesy of SCOTUS' de facto legislating-from-the-bench-by-refusing-to-hear-allowing-attrition "Decision]. Attrition not only applies just to LGBTs. ANY person so desiring to be married to any other person or persons in any of the affected attrition-states may marry. Could Polygamists Sue To Marry In California Right Now US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
From this thread we have the below conversation:
9th Circuit Assumes Legislative Power In Same Sex Marriage Case Page 6 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
...Abiding by the intentions and beliefs under which a law is adopted is in fact rooted in English common law and dates back many hundreds of years and has over three hundred years of practice on American soil! Unfortunately our Courts have found a clever way to circumvent this fundamental rule by creating a number of "tests" unknown to our founding fathers and are used today to impose its will upon the people. These "tests" began to appear and gain a foothold during the Warren Court of the l960’s.
One such test was the "rationality" test under which a law being challenged had to withstand the court’s judgment that the law in question was "rationally based" or "reasonable" to survive the court‘s review. Of course, this allows the court to switch the subject from what is and what is not constitutional, to an arbitrarily answered question having nothing to do with whether or not a law is in harmony with the legislative intent of our Constitution.
Whether rational or not, a law which violates the Constitution cannot be justified as being constitutional if it is rationally based! Likewise, if a law is not rationally based it is not the Court’s job to second guess the wisdom of the legislature! To do so is to usurp legislative authority and dissolve our Constitution’s separation of powers!
Indeed, this violation took place when the 9th Circuit Court decided to judge if bans on same-sex couples promotes "the welfare of children, by encouraging good parenting in stable opposite sex families" instead of expounding upon the documented intentions of the 14th Amendment to support its arbitrary and erroneous conclusion, that the Idaho ban on sex-sex "marriage" is a " violation of the Equal Protection Clause."
"The public welfare demands that constitutional cases must be decided according to the terms of the Constitution itself, and not according to judges' views of fairness, reasonableness, or justice." -- Justice Hugo L. Black ( U.S. Supreme Court Justice, 1886 - 1971) Source: Lecture, Columbia University, 1968
I would say that one test of any such law is how integral it is to Constitutional protections already longstanding and unquestioned. And further most recently reiterated by Windsor 2013. The right for states to self-govern with respect to HUMAN BEHAVIORS [verb] [not race, not religion, not country of origin or one's gender][nouns] is the most fundamental right of any state or its citizens/voters. Any question of law that challenges that right must not dominate it in the interim as those appeals go upward.
The default decision must always be the one that supports the most fundamental right of all: the right to democracy. The challanger has the burden. Just like any plaintiff, "the burden is upon you" to show how accepted foundations of law "must be overruled". This SCOTUS is not only de facto legislating outside its authority [by refusing to hear these most compelling cases...attrition...] but is actually dissolving the bedrock of the constitution in the interim.
What they've effectively done is eradicated any binding description of marriage now in any of these states. And as such, ANYONE can marry there RIGHT NOW. It isn't limited to just LGBT cultees swarming the county clerks' offices to 'marry their way into legality '. Polygamists, siblings, anyone...could march in and "legally" [since there are no laws now] demand a marriage licence. Turning them away would be arbitrary and discriminatory.
ie: By refusing to hear the cases, the SCOTUS has created a situation of complete lawlessness as to the most fundamental institution of our nation [marriage] and as such, the children will suffer. This was a calculated decision to legislate without making it look like they are legislating. They know that the attrition happening in the interim during the "convenient/effective limbo-legislation" is the same as a sweeping federal protection for gay marriage issued from the bench. And I hold the conservative Justices accountable since only 4 Justices were needed to bring this case before the Bench.
I'm rethinking my crossover voting as we speak...
Every Justice should hang their head in shame. This is why the most careful selection of the most unbiased, fair and wise man or woman selected for the seat of Supreme Court Justice should be one of the most exhaustive searches a President and Congress should do. Playing partisan politics is a byproduct of malignant capitalism and everyone grappling for dominance from whichever ilk they hearken from. And it is KILLING this country.
I get it. We're on the eve of a pivotal election. But this is beyond the pale. Unless the GOP has a last minute plan to pull up from this nosedive, my respect for the strong party [who knuckles under to gay pressures?] is in the TOILET. Playing partisan politics with our nation's most fundamental conservative institution [marriage] has rendered the conservative party as much of a common streewalking prostitute as any leftwing nutjob.
You made people angry all right. Especially when we know that it is, in essence, the fault of conservatives now and not those who "know not what they do" who forced us to hand off to future generations "gay marriage" and all the unknown but predictable outfalls of this.
We've seen the culture. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to extrapolate what this means for society, our children and our future...

Enjoy kids!