9th Circus Court of Appeals bans Calif same-sex "marriages" pending appeal

get married immediately, which you can't do in California.

Actually you can. My (now) wife and I went to the courthouse to apply for a marriage license. We'd never been there before. The lady asked if we'd like to get married then and there. We asked in surprise if there wasn't a delay or waiting period or some such. She said no, and that we could walk out of there in ten minutes as husband and wife.

We didn't take her up on her kind offer. Did it right, a few months later.
Actually you can. My (now) wife and I went to the courthouse to apply for a marriage license. We'd never been there before. The lady asked if we'd like to get married then and there. We asked in surprise if there wasn't a delay or waiting period or some such. She said no, and that we could walk out of there in ten minutes as husband and wife.

When we got married California required a blood test and Nevada did not. It wasn't an issue, because we planned to marry in Vegas anyway. I wasn't aware it had changed.
realy groundless?

please tell us about your expert view of the constitutional issues at stake, as I am sure you can tell us all about the Cali state constitution and the grounds on witch the Judge made his ruling when he said it was unconstitutional...

wait, let me guess...you have no basis for your statement.... ~ pocket
The legal precident for polygamy is one issue. Unless the gays are wholeheartedly for polygamy? Well? Are they? Every time I bring up polygamists rights to gay-proponents they shut me down in a nanosecond and change the subject rather quickly...

dogtowner is right, marriage is a privelge and we have a right as a society to define the "displayed sexual arrangement for childrearing" as heterosexual between only one man and one woman.