Project 2025 = PERPETUAL CHAOS!!!!!!

speaking of less fortunate people, see what google produced:

Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally ...

New York State Attorney General (.gov) › press-release › donald-j-trump-pays-...

Dec 10, 2019 — Trump Ordered to Pay Eight Separate Charities $250000 Each Remaining $1.8 Million in Trump Foundation Bank Account Disbursed Among Charities ...
I don't believe Trump ever amassed hundreds of millions of dollars in scams like the Clintons did in Hati and in other places.
Are you there mark?
Did you not read the above or are you too embarrassed after opening your big mouth.
I believe Trump was guilty of scamming Americans, although on a far lower level that leading democrats have done as well.
Are you there mark?
Did you not read the above or are you too embarrassed after opening your big mouth.
Lefties have spent 7years and tens of millions of dollars trying to dig up dirt on Trump and they are the ones who pretended to be offended when they falsely accused Trump of trying to dig up dirt on Biden. How much money did Trump rake in with thios scam? It must have been less than $2 million, but that is still a lot of money and any sort of scam is reprehensible.

But look what democrats have been doing for decades. Bill Ayers, a confessed American terrorist bomber who has never reepented was given a cush teaching job in Chicago and then given more than $160 million dollars in grant money to exercise his influence on Chicago schools. I don't know what kind of corrupt ideas the terrorist anti-American infused into the kids but it must not have been supportive of traditional American values.

Bill Ayers also spread the wealth around after being blessed with the free tax money because he built a $1+million home for himself and helped the newly-hired young college kid (Obama) 'buy' a $1+ million dollar home for himself as well in the same neighborhood.

Still, that is small fry stuff compared to the big money collected by smarter corrupt officials. $6 billion went missing from the State Department while Hillary was overseeing the distribution of funds there. Nearly a billion dollars disappeared from a fund established to help blacks in NYC when the DeBlasios were handling the money there.

But this 1 year employee of the Biden administration is typical of the real money to be made in politics using political hot potatoe issues to open the Treasury Department to all sorts of scams. He left the government after one year and netted $5 billion in government funding of his 'global warming addressing' startup. 6-27-24

EXCLUSIVE: Ex-Biden Admin Official Hit With Ethics Complaint After Allegedly Funneling Billions To His Current Org

The GGRF is a $27 billion program endowed by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), the Biden administration’s signature climate legislation. The funding is meant to subsidize efforts to reduce emissions, according to the EPA.
I believe Trump was guilty of scamming Americans, although on a far lower level that leading democrats have done as well.
Oh really. Is that your opinion or do you have evidence that any one democrat has done it.
Lefties have spent 7years and tens of millions of dollars trying to dig up dirt on Trump and they are the ones who pretended to be offended when they falsely accused Trump of trying to dig up dirt on Biden.
It wasn't hard to find the evidence. Trump left it lying around in full view. His "beautiful" phone call was tapped. He committed the crimes but you still blame democrats for finding them. If Trump had evidence on Biden taking money from china, like you always say, why wouldn't he say something. Because he's got nothing, that's why.

How much money did Trump rake in with thios scam? It must have been less than $2 million, but that is still a lot of money and any sort of scam is reprehensible.
Exactly. No one forced him to do it. It's his nature where he thinks he's above the lawn. Not according to hack smith.
But look what democrats have been doing for decades. Bill Ayers, a confessed American terrorist bomber who has never reepented was given a cush teaching job in Chicago and then given more than $160 million dollars in grant money to exercise his influence on Chicago schools. I don't know what kind of corrupt ideas the terrorist anti-American infused into the kids but it must not have been supportive of traditional American values.
You're over reacting to the bill Ayers thing. It was a while ago but if you must retain old grudges, knock yourself out. Nothing ever came if it. It was not a cover up. It's just your hate and revenge you're persuing.
Bill Ayers also spread the wealth around after being blessed with the free tax money because he built a $1+million home for himself and helped the newly-hired young college kid (Obama) 'buy' a $1+ million dollar home for himself as well in the same neighborhood.
Do you have evidence the money was spent exactly how you say? Prove it.
Still, that is small fry stuff compared to the big money collected by smarter corrupt officials. $6 billion went missing from the State Department while Hillary was overseeing the distribution of funds there. Nearly a billion dollars disappeared from a fund established to help blacks in NYC when the DeBlasios were handling the money there.
Where's the evidence if all that? Why wasn't it investigated? Prove it was all stolen.

But this 1 year employee of the Biden administration is typical of the real money to be made in politics using political hot potatoe issues to open the Treasury Department to all sorts of scams. He left the government after one year and netted $5 billion in government funding of his 'global warming addressing' startup. 6-27-24

EXCLUSIVE: Ex-Biden Admin Official Hit With Ethics Complaint After Allegedly Funneling Billions To His Current Org

The GGRF is a $27 billion program endowed by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), the Biden administration’s signature climate legislation. The funding is meant to subsidize efforts to reduce emissions, according to the EPA.
I don't have a problem with addressing global warming. You think it's a hoax because Trump said so. You said the virus was a hoax for the same reason and over a million Americans died. Some hoax.
Putin is a clever man and is always vigilant. He likes Trump,because Trump tears up intel briefings and refuses to read them, and thinks that when Putin denies something forcefully enough. it must be true. Jarrod is a corrupt manipulator who is selling our country out to the Saudis, to whomever.