Post, exposing "Climate change" HOAX, censored!, why?

I am sorry i will discuss that in the science Forum...since that is a science question...

Also shows you did not read the link about the emails posted right after the first post...

I just had to go back and check, its back in political forum

lol well make another thread about global warming and explain what you are talking about. You are so difficult :)

Who posted about the links, I will go read them now. I dont usually read links unless I have a reason.
Hey Libs, check this out. I am sure you are totally unaware of Climategate.
Stephanopoulos: ClimateGate Complicates Copenhagen for Obama
By Noel Sheppard | November 29, 2009 - 15:31

ABC's George Stephanopoulos actually brought up the ClimateGate scandal as a topic for discussion during the Roundtable segment on Sunday's "This Week."

As NewsBusters has been reporting since this story broke more than a week ago, television news outlets have been quite disinterested in the controversy now growing with each passing day.

Breaking this trend, Stephanopoulos aggressively waded into this seemingly verboten subject by mentioning how it complicates President Obama's trip to "Copenhagen to deal with climate change."

George Will of course agreed saying that the release of these e-mail messages raises a serious question about why America should "wager trillions of dollars and substantially curtail freedom on climate models that are imperfect and unproven."

Not surprisingly, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman found "not a single smoking gun" in those e-mail messages (video in two parts embedded below the fold with transcript and commentary by myself and others involved in this debate):
I just had to go back and check, its back in political forum

lol well make another thread about global warming and explain what you are talking about. You are so difficult :)

Who posted about the links, I will go read them now. I dont usually read links unless I have a reason.

yea, why read the link explaining the point of the post.....

I am not difficult, I am proving a point
Hey Libs, check this out. I am sure you are totally unaware of Climategate.

Ah thank you. I never liked Stephanopoulos but this makes me happy and him having the guts to ask a hard question of obama in the debates was nice as well.

I wish every station would at least talk about it.

Give up on the times, they are too far gone in the land of kool aid
again, if you can't see how Global warming is Science Related...then you should just not even be talking here , just go away and talk about some other issue...No one is going to bother listening to people talk about global warming if they can't even agree its based in Scince...I don't care if your for or againts, think its fake or real, man or nature....its SCIENCE....

A HOAX!!! Has nothing to do with SCIENCE!! CASE CLOSED , as per "ALWAYS", No more DEBATE!! "ALWAYS " , KNOWS, ALWAYS!!


"A group promoting skepticism over widely-accredited climate change science has a web of connections to influential oil giant Exxon-Mobil, Raw Story has found.

The organization is called the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC), apparently named after the UN coalition International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). An investigation into the group reveals its numerous links to Exxon-Mobil, a vehement opponent of climate legislation and notorious among scientists for funding global warming skeptics.

"Exxon-Mobil essentially funds people to lie," Joseph Romm, lauded climate expert and author of the blog Climate Progress, told Raw Story. "It's important for people to understand that they pay off the overwhelming majority of groups in the area of junk science."

It's that word "science" that scares the behooie out of the wingnuts. They're afraid their heads might explode if they have to deal with "science". It's much easier for them to put on their tinfoil hats and claim conspiracies are rampant.
It's that word "science" that scares the behooie out of the wingnuts. They're afraid their heads might explode if they have to deal with "science". It's much easier for them to put on their tinfoil hats and claim conspiracies are rampant.
I'm pretty-certain I've heard-about-that!


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