Pope Says Gay Marriage Poses A Threat To 'Justice And Peace' In World Day Of Peace 2013 Address

One day, being born gay will cause no more stir than being born black, female, or sinister does now.

I don't see anything sinister about being born gay. Infact, I could care less what they do. I don't care if they form a legally binding contract, have a ceremony and big party. What I resent is that it's shoved down our throats. I agree with Dr. Who on this. Marriage has always been a religious right and all the religions I understand don't agree that it's okay for same sex couples to marry. What's going to stop the government from forcing clergy, florists, photographers etc from refusing to provide services to them? A photographer has already been sued by a gay couple for refusing to do their wedding pictures.
I don't see anything sinister about being born gay. Infact, I could care less what they do. I don't care if they form a legally binding contract, have a ceremony and big party. What I resent is that it's shoved down our throats. I agree with Dr. Who on this. Marriage has always been a religious right and all the religions I understand don't agree that it's okay for same sex couples to marry. What's going to stop the government from forcing clergy, florists, photographers etc from refusing to provide services to them? A photographer has already been sued by a gay couple for refusing to do their wedding pictures.
Check the definition of "sinister" in my post above.
Agreed, it is not up to the government to require that any religious organization perform gay marriages. That should be up to the churches.
So if gay marriage becomes "accepted", then what can stop two hetero single mothers from getting married for convenience and for the bennies? One can work and get the tax deductions and medical insurance, while the other one stays home and takes care of the kids and household. Or two old hetero guys who are buddies and one is in poor health. The other one can inherit his wealth when his friend kicks the bucket and collect widows benefits.

It is irrelevant if they are hetero or homo because their reason for getting married is not relevant when it comes to getting bennies. Yes two hetero woman or guys could get married for the benefits just like today two opposite gender people can get married for the benefits even when they are not in love - happens all the time in cases of immigration. With immigration we need another layer of red tape as agents then investigate to see if the couple is really in love.

I don't really think people doing this will be too much of a problem though because if two single mothers wanted to get hitched under the new law to get benefits then they might as well just get hitched to a man right now under the present law. Since they did not do it now why would they do it later?

What would the left think of these two woman? It would be a new kind of family and they would love it.

As a conservative I am in favor of people being creative in the way they solve problems. Let two single woman join forced to raise children more efficiently. But let them do it without milking others of their hard labors.
Do you TRY to say things that stupid or does it come as part of your human nature?
I woke up last night thinking about this post. It is just not what I wanted to say and is really not very kind either - sorry.

I want to be honest but not so harsh. So trying again:

I find it hard to believe that you subscribe to ideas like that and wonder if you are trying to be funny or mi-stating what you really think just to make a point.
Good question.
Once, being left handed was seen as "sinister", which is the root of the word. Now, no one pays much attention to handedness.
Once, having African physical characteristics was seen as proof of not being fully human. Now, no one believes that nonsense.
Once, being female was proof that the person was only good for child bearing and rearing. Now, we are close to having equal rights, at least in the civilized countries.

One day, being born gay will cause no more stir than being born black, female, or sinister does now.

I was born a Christian and was confused until around the age of 25 when I figured out my true identity.

I was also born to be a shrink and made mistakes early on when I was a chemistry major. I think my health insurance should have paid for my career reassignment operation and since it did not I want compensation.
Gee i wonder why liberal city mayors or liberal state governors wont condem the pope? Wanna know why? Cause they need the catholic vote. Just like liberal city mayors or liberal state governors wont condem the president of chic fil a on his stance on gay marrage cause they need the black vote.

Or simply because City Mayors and Governors believe that they, as representative of the GOVERNMENT do not have anything to approve or disapprove in a RELIGIOUS figure's statement?

Even most Catholics do not take the statements of the Pope seriously on divorce, marriage, birth control, and sexual orientation!

Nope. . .the pope can say whatever he wishes. . .it is quite immaterial to most THINKING people, religious or not!

Pro-gay marriage Catholics defy church on ballot initiative | The ...

Nov 2, 2012 – Despite warnings from Washington state Catholic bishops on the threatsagainst traditional marriage, a group of pro-gay marriage Catholics
Or simply because City Mayors and Governors believe that they, as representative of the GOVERNMENT do not have anything to approve or disapprove in a RELIGIOUS figure's statement?

Even most Catholics do not take the statements of the Pope seriously on divorce, marriage, birth control, and sexual orientation!

Nope. . .the pope can say whatever he wishes. . .it is quite immaterial to most THINKING people, religious or not!

your link in no way supports your statement.

do some catholics ignore their church teaching ? sure. but to suggedt thst small groups represent the majority is rather typical of your taking the first google that doesnt totally contest your notion as proof positive.
your link in no way supports your statement.

do some catholics ignore their church teaching ? sure. but to suggedt thst small groups represent the majority is rather typical of your taking the first google that doesnt totally contest your notion as proof positive.

I didn't say that my link supported the statement I made. . .as the statement I made was NOT related ONLY to the gay right issues.

I was talking of the combination of all the "issues" that the Pope disagrees with. It is obvious that a MAJORITY of Catholics of child bearing age use birth control. . .and that some of them (even good Catholics) do have recourse to abortions if they feel they do not have a choice.

The link I offered was ONLY relating to the gay issue and was intended be a direct answer to the OP which ONLY addressed gay rights.

Please try to stop splitting hair and to find "wrongs" with all my posting. It is neither very clever nor is it very becoming to a moderator.
I didn't say that my link supported the statement I made. . .as the statement I made was NOT related ONLY to the gay right issues.

I was talking of the combination of all the "issues" that the Pope disagrees with. It is obvious that a MAJORITY of Catholics of child bearing age use birth control. . .and that some of them (even good Catholics) do have recourse to abortions if they feel they do not have a choice.

The link I offered was ONLY relating to the gay issue and was intended be a direct answer to the OP which ONLY addressed gay rights.

Please try to stop splitting hair and to find "wrongs" with all my posting. It is neither very clever nor is it very becoming to a moderator.

i see... you can find fault for others who podt opinion as fact but its ok for you ?
glass houses...
i see... you can find fault for others who podt opinion as fact but its ok for you ?
glass houses...

Wasn't it YOU who accused me of not posting links? So, obviously, you have a difficult time differentiating between STATEMENT OF FACTS and STATEMENTS OF OPINIONS.

None of what I said was stated as fact, except for the link I posted. The rest is very informed OPINION, as I am a member of a Catholic parish and, although I am not a weekly church goer, my neighbors are and keep a very close tap on the American Catholic Church's moves. They are both pro-birth control, pro-gay rights, and have had in their extended family an instance of a difficult choice re: early term abortion.

Obviously, I am also very aware of the differences between the American Catholic Church and the European Catholic Church. . .and once again, the difference between the ACTIONS and THOUGHT process of many Catholics (a majority in Europe) and the Pope Statements are very significant.

But again, since this is based on my PERSONAL observations I am not stating this as a "FACT," but as an informed opinion.

Where did you state your opinion as a "an opinion," rather than "the only "non-laughable" fact?"

glass houses. . .?
Wasn't it YOU who accused me of not posting links? So, obviously, you have a difficult time differentiating between STATEMENT OF FACTS and STATEMENTS OF OPINIONS.

None of what I said was stated as fact, except for the link I posted. The rest is very informed OPINION, as I am a member of a Catholic parish and, although I am not a weekly church goer, my neighbors are and keep a very close tap on the American Catholic Church's moves. They are both pro-birth control, pro-gay rights, and have had in their extended family an instance of a difficult choice re: early term abortion.

Obviously, I am also very aware of the differences between the American Catholic Church and the European Catholic Church. . .and once again, the difference between the ACTIONS and THOUGHT process of many Catholics (a majority in Europe) and the Pope Statements are very significant.

But again, since this is based on my PERSONAL observations I am not stating this as a "FACT," but as an informed opinion.

Where did you state your opinion as a "an opinion," rather than "the only "non-laughable" fact?"

glass houses. . .?

im sensing a poll regarding the degree of moderatness of bo...

but lets see... you.offer an opinion that most catholics ignore the Holy Cee. ok dubious but perhaps you intend to back it up.
so there comes the link but somehow it isnt meant to confirm.

are there clergy and.laiety who ignore the Pope ? sure. would they be out of place in washington ? not really. are they hypocritical claiming to be cstholic when they choose not to be ? sounds like it to me. will God bust there chops on judgement day ? that wont be determined by this but rather if they have accepted Christ ir not.

there is much i disagree with in the rcc so it folliws that i do not claim to be a member.

so were you planning to back up your opinion or not ?
im sensing a poll regarding the degree of moderatness of bo...

but lets see... you.offer an opinion that most catholics ignore the Holy Cee. ok dubious but perhaps you intend to back it up.
so there comes the link but somehow it isnt meant to confirm.

are there clergy and.laiety who ignore the Pope ? sure. would they be out of place in washington ? not really. are they hypocritical claiming to be cstholic when they choose not to be ? sounds like it to me. will God bust there chops on judgement day ? that wont be determined by this but rather if they have accepted Christ ir not.

there is much i disagree with in the rcc so it folliws that i do not claim to be a member.

so were you planning to back up your opinion or not ?

NO. I do not play your games.

Enjoy playing with yourself.

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