Palin 'Doesn't Know' If Abortion Clinic Bombers Are Terrorists

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This entire slanderfest against Palin is nothing but typical liberal media tactics by telling us what THEY want us to hear, rather than telling us everything and letting us make up our minds based on ALL the information.

As per your request.

She made it quite clear; (2:16 - 2:41)

Williams - I'm just asking what other catagories you would put in there, uh, abortion clinic bombers, uh, protesters in cities where fires were started, molotov coctails were thrown, people die.

Palin - I would put in that catagory of Bill Ayers anyone else who would seek to campaign to destroy our United States Capitol, and our Pentagon, and would seek to destroy innocent Americans.

If she can't name a newspaper she has read it isn't much of a surprise that she struggles with a more complex question.

Her explanation of why living in Alaska enhances her foreign policy credentials was one of the funniest things I have ever seen.

Well it would be if it wasn't given by someone who could end up as president of the USA.

I wonder if she was chosen because of the crass stupidity she displays. After all, the republicans saw those qualities get Bush elected twice in the last 8 years.
If she can't name a newspaper she has read it isn't much of a surprise that she struggles with a more complex question.

You really are stoned aren't you? That's the same lamebrained crap that they tried to throw at President Bush. Here's a clue for you, neither Presidents nor Governors have time to read an entire newspaper. Their press people will clip out or print out any and all specific news articles, from whatever source, that they need to see, and present it in the daily briefings.
My point was that she couldn't name a newspaper she claims to have read.
If you want to have another stab at responding feel free.
My point was that she couldn't name a newspaper she claims to have read.
If you want to have another stab at responding feel free.

I already answered your retarded a$$ed statement, and it's not my responsibility if you're just too Sucking Fupid to understand what "clip out" and "print out" means.

Furthermore, I'm not wasting any more of my time on you. You're a classic *****.Org, Daily Kooks type with not a brian cell between your ears.

Welcome to my "Ignore" list.
No, you responded to a point about Palin not having time to read a nespaper.

But I didn't make that point.

In fact she claims to have read them all but can't name one.

Have another go, see if you can respond to the point I am making rather than one you have made up yourself.
No, you responded to a point about Palin not having time to read a nespaper.

But I didn't make that point.

In fact she claims to have read them all but can't name one.

Have another go, see if you can respond to the point I am making rather than one you have made up yourself.

The interview with "the perky one" was over 2 hours long. They showed aprox 6 min. worth of tape. ALL of what they showed was cut outs. I saw another interview with Palin asking why did she not name more things she read, it cant be hard to do. She said no it was not hard to do but she was mad at the question that was first asked more on the lines of Alaskans cant possibly read the same stuff New Yorkers read exc..

You can take it or leave it believe it or not, I dont think anyone really cares. But anyone with any honesty should be able to conclude if you have an interview of over two hours long and you are only shown six really bad minutes of it all out of context that perhaps you dont have all the facts.
Go to You-tube.

There is hours of entertainment resulting from Palins crassness.

You can't explain away not knowing any names of any newspapers you claim to use as sources by veing 'mad'.

If she can't handle a few questions without getting mad how will she perform with the nuclear codes at hehr fingertips?

This is a thought I do not like to dwell on.

Even staunch conservatives are embarrassed by Palin and you should want her to go as she is a huge liability.
Go to You-tube.

There is hours of entertainment resulting from Palins crassness.

You can't explain away not knowing any names of any newspapers you claim to use as sources by veing 'mad'.

If she can't handle a few questions without getting mad how will she perform with the nuclear codes at hehr fingertips?

This is a thought I do not like to dwell on.

Even staunch conservatives are embarrassed by Palin and you should want her to go as she is a huge liability.

Staunch conservatives? or do you mean moderates like Powell and the like.

If Palin were runnning for president like your messiah I would still vote for her. even if the person with actual experience were running as her vp like on the obama ticket.
Well she is white

She is white? what does that have to do with anything?

John Freaking Kerry (who served in Vietnam) was white and he lost too

I am Native American and I did not like John Freaking Kerry (who served in Vietnam) and I voted against him. I also voted against George Bush who is white in 2000

and If I could vote for Harold Ford Jr. Who is black I would do it in a heart beat. I would also vote for Condalizza Rice who is black.

I like Palin no matter what color she is. Also Palin is a woman, but I am not voting for her because I am a woman too. I would never vote for Nancy Pelosi who is also a woman.

your logic is far from logical
in my city we are voting for county commisioner. The white candidate is a freaking liberal from hell. The black candidate is a moderate democrat. I am voting for the black moderate but I am not voting for him because of his skin color. Catch the words Moderate and liberal, those are the things I am voting for or against.
What is it about SP that makes you say you would votr her in as prsidential material?

To me and most people she is devoid of talent and experience
in my city we are voting for county commisioner. The white candidate is a freaking liberal from hell. The black candidate is a moderate democrat. I am voting for the black moderate but I am not voting for him because of his skin color. Catch the words Moderate and liberal, those are the things I am voting for or against.

No Obamanation, don't play it's game! IT is one of those ***** liberals who is running around insisting that everyone who doesn't vote for Obama is a "racist", but the fact is that IT is the racist!!
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