You seem to be well versed in the material that supports the OFFICIAL story, however there in a video available on the web (youtube ... etc...) that is called "BLUEPRINT FOR TRUTH" Richard Gage, I have posted this reference several times and has nobody bothered to look it up on the web?
Also, the story about the 19 radical Arabs does NOT explain the total structural failure of THREE buildings that day, the sort of structural failure as observed would involve the failure of tens-of-thousands of welds and bolts (etc...) within said structures to happen right on Q. in order to achieve the observed result.
This is like going to Vegas and rolling box cars 100,000 times in a row!
The steel in the twin towers below the crash site was still COLD, and was not damaged by the aircraft impact, so what made it just give-way?
Can you think about this, if you saw a VW bug ram a 40 ft bus and in the impact completely destroy both vehicles? You would say "that just doesn't happen" however in the case of the alleged falling mass of the upper (aprox) one sixth of the WTC tower, said mass was alleged to be sufficient to cause the total destruction of the remaining 5 sixths, and in such a short time....
There is something VERY WRONG with this picture!
What is going on here is the VERY same sort of mind games that con-artists use (ever see a movie called "THE FLIM-FLAM MAN"?)
Bust the emperor for INDECENT EXPOSURE!