Dragonfly or Insect Spy?

Thus, by your definition, the government planning to use build and make these little flying bug things without informing the general public of their true potential is a conspiracy.

I know governments hide stuff from the people, however, theories on what they are hiding are still conspiracy theories.
Two or more people planning something.

So when a committee gets together in town to discuss snow removal, they're conspiring to remove the snow?

What you put there is, indeed, part of the definition. However, another component of the definition, which is necessary to understand the board's context, is that this "planning" is for malevolent purposes and is done in secret.

If "they" are hiding things from us, then by definition they are keeping secrets. And I highly doubt that you are of the opinion that the government does this for our own good, so their reasons must be malevolent.
So when a committee gets together in town to discuss snow removal, they're conspiring to remove the snow?

What you put there is, indeed, part of the definition. However, another component of the definition, which is necessary to understand the board's context, is that this "planning" is for malevolent purposes and is done in secret.

If "they" are hiding things from us, then by definition they are keeping secrets. And I highly doubt that you are of the opinion that the government does this for our own good, so their reasons must be malevolent.

From www.dictionary.com

con·spire (kən-spīr') Pronunciation Key
v. con·spired, con·spir·ing, con·spires

v. intr.

To plan together secretly to commit an illegal or wrongful act or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.
To join or act together; combine: "Semisweet chocolate, cocoa powder, espresso, Cognac, and vanilla all conspire to intensify [the cake's] flavor" (Sally Schneider).
From www.dictionary.com

con·spire (kən-spīr') Pronunciation Key
v. con·spired, con·spir·ing, con·spires

v. intr.

To plan together secretly to commit an illegal or wrongful act or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.
To join or act together; combine: "Semisweet chocolate, cocoa powder, espresso, Cognac, and vanilla all conspire to intensify [the cake's] flavor" (Sally Schneider).

Thus, the government conspiring to use these little bugs in consitution vioilating ways, without informing the people, is in its (unfounded) entirety, a conspiracy theory.
So everything the government does is a conspiracy?

Nice spin. You don't read our posts so much as dig for things to misinterpret, do you?

Would you care to explain how you can take "government using spybugs in unconstitutional and secretive ways is a conspiracy theory" and get "everything the government does is a conspiracy"?
I love how every one of KOF's threads turns into the same thing. I think he deliberately posts conspiracy theories outside of the conspiracy theory forum just so he can raise a big fuss.
So everything the government does is a conspiracy?

Haha, are you a professional ***** or just a gifted amatuer?

You have a theory that the government has a conspiracy against the people of your country by using cameras disgused as bugs. This is a conspiracy theory.

The fact that the government is going to build a new road tomorrow and the local council had a meeting about it is not a conspiracy theory.
Nice spin. You don't read our posts so much as dig for things to misinterpret, do you?

Would you care to explain how you can take "government using spybugs in unconstitutional and secretive ways is a conspiracy theory" and get "everything the government does is a conspiracy"?

I guess you missed the question mark at the end of the question.

Back to the topic.

"No agency admits to having deployed insect-size spy drones. But a number of U.S. government and private entities acknowledge they are trying. Some federally funded teams are even growing live insects with computer chips in them, with the goal of mounting spyware on their bodies and controlling their flight muscles remotely."

The government is here to serve us, not spy on us.
KOF, listen man....seriously. The article doesn't even say that they're not JUST DRAGONFLIES, I mean someone saw a big bug and freaked out, when one of these things is flat on my windshield, then I'll start to wonder what the hell is going on, but the fact remains, technology does NOT YET EXIST that AT THIS TIME (OR within the near (within the year) future) to create remote self motile automatons or remote control systems that can functionally and with useful results carry any equipment for data retrieval. I mean something would have to be the size of a small bird (humming bird sized perhaps) to carry the gear, camera/audio/tranciever/control/servos/motivator etc which are all required for such a "bug"....

now as far as robotics goes, I've several friends who work for a company called time domain here in town, they do all kindsa cool lil embedded bots and such, I assure you, these guys are bleeding edge, gov't contracts and all that goodness, while some of the stuff they've worked on I'm sure would get you roiling, it's nothing NEAR what you're purporting here....the miniaturization technology simply DOES NOT EXIST>