
"As a former resident of Mississippi, I am satisfied with what the government has done about Katrina."
--Yeah, I'll bet you are.
The fact is that New Orleans was treated like a third world genocide that wasn't Americas responsibility, so they jusrt left it alone. Leaving New Orleans to rot in your own country is almost as horrific as leaving a genocide to continue in another country. I am ashamed of my government for not stopping the genocides in Africa, and you should be ashamed of yours too. We should all be ashamed of our media, for not highlighting it day in day out. And you should be ashamed at your government for leaving a city in ruin because it was inhabited by poor black people with no real influence on the rich, white politics that control many developed nations.

Ok, so what you see from across the Atlantic about New Orleans doesn't even begin to describe what happened. I was in Mississippi when Katrina came through. I saw what was done firsthand. I heard Mississippi's Governor in a news conference 2 days after the hurricane saying that the fact that the state had a lot of our National Guard deployed to Iraq was not a factor in response time. But of course the national media didn't air that. The didn't show Governor Barbour praising President Bush for immediately making relief funds available, and personally promising to provide the state with anything needed to deal with the crisis. They went with Ray Nagin screaming like a ***** and blaming George Bush for all of it. The fact of the matter is that about 90% of the roads were completely impassable for about 100 miles north of the Gulf Coast. I don't care how many people you have working on it, that kind of debris is going to take days to clear before you even get close to the real destruction. There were countless aid efforts going at the time to get food and water to the coast. As a result, casualties were minimal. As for the reconstruction, you cannot expect to see immediate results. I have personally seen the billions of dollars provided by the government at work and businesses are returning and bringing jobs. Tourism is almost as good as it was before the storm. As a former resident of Mississippi, I am satisfied with what the government has done about Katrina.
"Ok, this is a load of bull****. I'm just gonna go ahead and say that. Most of these are completely opinion based and most of those that aren't are just ridiculous.

You blame Bush for the infant mortality rate?"
--Learn to read Waffle!!! I didn't say the entire list is true.

"Um yea, you forgot Andrew Jackson who deliberately disobeyed the ruling of the Supreme Court.

Really it just seems like you found anything that had changed for the worse and blamed it on Bush which is ignorant and in poor taste."
--Ever heard of Walker v Cheney, Mr. Smart Guy??????????????????????????
In Walker v Cheney, Cheney wins (that's a no-brainer considering who appointed the majority of the Justices). By Cheney's win, he effectively made the G.A.O. obsolete. Now...why would Cheney ever want to do that?????????But really, it's the facts leading up to the case that proove the Bush administration's complete disregard for oversight and rules.
Oh, one more thing about our COKEHEAD. In, Texas, under certain circumstances, a person can get a conviction expunged. That means that ALL records, including arrest and jail records get sealed forever. Being Governor of Texas definitely falls under the 'circumstances' required to get a conviction expunged.
"More made up bull****. At least your consistant. MARK"
Can't give you solid evidence, but we all know about it in TX. So...go ahead and get yourself off because there's no solid evidence. EVERYONE who knew Bush early on knows Bush is a complete F*** up.


I live about 12 miles from the Bush Ranch. I was active in local Repubican politics that oversaw his election as governor. I first met him in 88 at a fund raiser for his father, then again in 90 when he was owner of the Texas Rangers. Evidence????? How about anyone even making the allegation other than you.
"COMPLETE F*** UP"???? I wouldnt consider a DWI charge as proof that the person arrested is a "COMPLETE F U C K U P". Especially a DWI charge from 30 years ago. Millions of Americans have operated a vehicle with a blood alchohol level of .10 or above. Are all of them **** ups or just the ones who get caught? MARK
"I live about 12 miles from the Bush Ranch. I was active in local Repubican politics that oversaw his election as governor. I first met him in 88 at a fund raiser for his father, then again in 90 when he was owner of the Texas Rangers. Evidence????? How about anyone even making the allegation other than you."
--Oh yeah, I'm sure everyone was bringing up his colorful past while kissing his a** at fund raisers for his dad and on his campaign team.
"COMPLETE F*** UP"???? I wouldnt consider a DWI charge as proof that the person arrested is a "COMPLETE F U C K U P". Especially a DWI charge from 30 years ago. Millions of Americans have operated a vehicle with a blood alchohol level of .10 or above. Are all of them **** ups or just the ones who get caught? MARK"
--Oh...of course not...especially if their daddy's a Congressman or head of the CIA. The only one's that are f**k ups are us 'lesser people' that are not above the law like Republican elites...especially the Republican elites who just 'happen' to run stop signs resulting in major accidents which just 'happen' to kill other people.

"I live about 12 miles from the Bush Ranch. I was active in local Repubican politics that oversaw his election as governor. I first met him in 88 at a fund raiser for his father, then again in 90 when he was owner of the Texas Rangers. Evidence????? How about anyone even making the allegation other than you."
--Oh yeah, I'm sure everyone was bringing up his colorful past while kissing his a** at fund raisers for his dad and on his campaign team.

You claimed "we all know about it in TX.". I am "in TX" and Ive never even heard the allegation even made. How about even JUST ONE link to this allegation in print on the web.... you know, just to show us you are not just making up this shiit as you go along. MARK
You are getting pretty desparate going after his wife. Seems to be a common tactic of yours. Running from one allegation to another, whenever the prior is questioned. You seem willing to find all these links, but none of them even addressing your original cliam that he was busted with coke. You just made that up, didnt you? MARK

"COMPLETE F*** UP"???? I wouldnt consider a DWI charge as proof that the person arrested is a "COMPLETE F U C K U P". Especially a DWI charge from 30 years ago. Millions of Americans have operated a vehicle with a blood alchohol level of .10 or above. Are all of them **** ups or just the ones who get caught? MARK"
--Oh...of course not...especially if their daddy's a Congressman or head of the CIA. The only one's that are f**k ups are us 'lesser people' that are not above the law like Republican elites...especially the Republican elites who just 'happen' to run stop signs resulting in major accidents which just 'happen' to kill other people.

"You claimed "we all know about it in TX.". I am "in TX" and Ive never even heard the allegation even made. How about even JUST ONE link to this allegation in print on the web.... you know, just to show us you are not just making up this shiit as you go along. MARK"
--Sure, just one minute.
"You claimed "we all know about it in TX.". I am "in TX" and Ive never even heard the allegation even made.
--I'm talking about urban TX. Of course you haven't heard about it if you live 20 min away from Bush Ranch.