No, intentionally lying on someone. Trying to hurt someone or their reputation
not by proven facts but by proven lies. That's someone that can't make their case or at least not make it to the extent that they want by truthful dialog. That's damaged. That's wanting to win at any cost.
That's ridiculous. I don't go around looking for minor flaws in people. If they are good people I just accept that just as I'm not perfect they aren't either.
I could say he has kinda big ears.
I think it was stupid to bowl if your that bad at it.
I wish he'd really go after McCain and not worry quite so much about taking the higher road sometimes.
I'm not positive even as much as it's needed National Healthcare will be possible with the absolutely obscene debt the next President will have dumped in his lap.
But all these things pale in comparison to what the hell are we going to do if we keep going downhill with 4 more years of Bush policy an even more emphasis on War solves most all problems.
So I focus on avoiding the major disaster.
BTW top gun.. your supposed to look for the flaws in your PARTY LEADER to ensure he has your ideals at heart...
your making it sound as if obama was about to become the manager of a wal-mart or soemthing and not the POTUS.
BTW you did not mention a single flaw those who don't support him can plainly see..
1. Obsence push for tax code to fund with new government programs.
2. Inexperince and a voting record that is questionable at best.. leaving us ONLY to take his WORD on most issues and very minor projects hes done in Chicago.
3.Ineffective plans for alternative energy production.. n othing yet proven even close to fesiable.. obviously his laspe on it can be seen by the fact he rather put jokes forth to remove the idea as a serious one.
4. A shakey immigration reform project that seems non-senical.
or maybe just the fact that most of his ideas require money to appear from no-where...
5. Or that he even SUGGESTS the possiblity of using china loans to fund anything.. thats just ludicris considering our current situation.
how about you try a few of those on... because thats all we have ever talked about.. If he honestly addressed these issues.. or maybe just put together a more finicial sound plan on how to pay for them while not making it a burden of the CAPATILIST DRIVEN wealthy of america, you would see nearly everyone on this Forum to jump ship and stand behind him.
Thats the reason we point and laugh at the so called obama-bots.. the brainwashed sheeple which your contending yourself to be. We look objectively at all pro's and cons.. not because we are hatefilled righties looking to lynch up an inspiring politican... but because its our DAMN JOB! and yours top gun.. to elect the officials based on ALL talking points and ideals.. not just the ones you deem acceptable.