Obamabots, the Messiah ,

Just think how different things would have been with Gore at the helm. (sigh)

Wondering.......... is the hatred of dems in the US as intense as the hatred of blacks, muslims and now Russians.???

you keep enfuring the Russians.. no one here .. HATES the russians .. however its become obvious that Russia has come back into the typical american mind set.. but I don't remeber seeing a DIE COMMIE DIE poster being unfurled as of yet.
BTW anyone checking into the civil rights movement and following it up to today realizes that its slowly but surely being completely integrated OUT of american mind-set .. only being left for those back-water communities out of touch with society.

Honestly you would be DEAD-ON if you only said Mexicans, Muslims.. I just CANNOT deny those two.. I hear about it EVERY day.

Maybe a trip into suburbia would help .. see the combined cultures blending of Blacks and whites.. be amazed I bet.
....... so he gets off on a "technicality " or a series of them.

To your first point, no, we will never hold President's accountable for their decisions when a World Court can then come back 20 years down the line and decide that they disagree with the decision. No President in any party will agree to it.

To your next point, it is not really "technically" that was perhaps that wrong word. Everything that Bush did he had firm legal decision from the Office of Legal Council. This is basically impossible to beat in a court. Add to that, even should Bush someone be put up on trial, you can bet that even if Obama wins the election, he will pardon Bush.

.............and the credibility of a nation sinks even further. Not that the US pop gives a damn.

The credibility through the eyes of Europeans who are trying to hold the US accountable to laws we never signed on to, and courts we never recognized. Big loss.
and courts we never recognized

seems that the LAW is the law , but yes, the US does tend to be rather "selective" as to which laws they choose to adhere to and when they choose to adhere to them. Of course, who can forget the comments about there being no such thing as international law. ( when the US was gearing up for the Iraq criminal insanity.) But international laws DO exist for other nations. and the US is the first to yell about them being broken.

and folks have to wonder why the US is so resented??? TAke those blinders off and have a good look at what the US does , how it does it, and who gets the shaft. Plus how the US INTERPRETS the law so as to suit its own agenda.