Well-Known Member
Just think how different things would have been with Gore at the helm. (sigh)
Wondering.......... is the hatred of dems in the US as intense as the hatred of blacks, muslims and now Russians.???
you keep enfuring the Russians.. no one here .. HATES the russians .. however its become obvious that Russia has come back into the typical american mind set.. but I don't remeber seeing a DIE COMMIE DIE poster being unfurled as of yet.
BTW anyone checking into the civil rights movement and following it up to today realizes that its slowly but surely being completely integrated OUT of american mind-set .. only being left for those back-water communities out of touch with society.
Honestly you would be DEAD-ON if you only said Mexicans, Muslims.. I just CANNOT deny those two.. I hear about it EVERY day.
Maybe a trip into suburbia would help .. see the combined cultures blending of Blacks and whites.. be amazed I bet.