So what you're saying is... We traded in a personal private adult consensual affair... for the much better Republican wrecked economy
That's what reasonable, informed people call a LIE!
highest inflation rate in 27 tears
LIE! You really should study [rul=]THIS[/url] chart from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Inflation for 2007 was only 2.8% over 2006, which was 3.2% from 2005, which was 3.4% from 2004, etc., etc.
Time for you to do some more research LIAR. The debt and deficit, as a percentage of the GDP is nowhere NEAR as high as it's ever been.
get attacked pants down with Bush @ the helm on 9-11
WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP! President Bush had only been in office for 9 months when we got attacked, primarily because CLINTON DIDN'T DO HIS JOB!!
lied into a war with over 4000 brave soldiers killed over 30,000 seriously wounded
Even MORE LIES. OK tg, I DARE you to try to show us ONE LIE, and I'll blow you out of the water! The only LIARS around here are you Libtards.
spent up to $12,000,000,000 (TWELVE BILLION DOLLARS) of hard earned taxpayer money (now & in the future) while doing it
I see you haven't looked at the costs of WWI, WWII, Korea, or Vietnam (inflation adjusted of course), because if you had, you'd know that GWOT has been run ON THE CHEAP! Lives of troops? You are SO FULL OF CRAP!! We lost more troops on D-DAY than we've lost since 9-11!
and have lost our moral authority by doing that becoming much more disliked all around the world!
Libtards like you never HAD any "moral authority" in the first place, so what are you talking about?