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Look at the groups that have supported him. Ayers blew people up. Hamas wants to wipe out an entire race. Muammar al-Gaddafi killed all his political opponents. All of these and more, support Obama. Obama said he'd like to march into Pakistan and change our policy toward the US-friendly government there.
But all my personal comparisons to Hitler involve his policy statements. He rarely if ever speaks directly. It's always "hope" and "change" and "yes we can" without saying what. He never tells you where exactly he stands on an issue, and when he does, he changes positions 3 times so you don't know which of the three mutually exclusive statements he really believes, or even if he believes any of them. Now, you can whine about it all you want, but this is how dictators come to power.
You think Fidel Castro openly stated he'd slaughter thousands of the very people that put him in power, then make Cuba into a pawn of the Soviets, while dooming population of Cuba to a socialist hell of poverty and oppression, that they are willing to swim across the gulf to escape??
Of course not. He'd never have lived long enough to finish the speech. No, he did what Obama is doing "hope and change" "yes we can", blaw blaw "Believe" and other such empty political propaganda without stating what he really stands for.
We link it to Obama? We do? It's us doing this? Let's see if that's true.
This is a video produced of people who actively support portraying Obama as the messiah. Note, none of the pictures, quotes, or campaign propaganda is fabricated. All of them are official releases.
Obama Messiah
This site sells shirts with Messiah08 and a picture of Obama. Did I make that up?
This is a magazine in Germany that identifies Obama as portraying himself as the messiah.
The cover says "The Messiah Factor" Der messias-faktor. Note the light shining behind his head. Did we make all that up?
Note the light shining behind his head in the above photo. If you look in the first youtube video above, there are at least 10 different pictures, each with Obama having light radiating from his head. The halo around the head is of course universally used to denote divinity.
Christ with light from his head.
Many people have supported this idea.
This is a picture of a bare chested woman in the american flag, a symbol of America, being woo'd by Obama depicted as a head in the clouds radiating light.
Note these quotes:
Isaiah 40:3 "Clear the way for the LORD in the wilderness; Make smooth in the desert a highway for our God."
Mahatma Gandhi.
At Obama rallies, often people have fainted, and many have been photographed with praying hands towards Obama. Did you notice the people praying to Obama in the video? Let me guess, they were all republican plants... right?
Here a woman actually passed her child over the crowd to get him to Obama, so he could kiss him. Women have lined up with their children to have Obama kiss them.
In the Denver speech, Obama had the stage built to resemble a Greek temple. The ancient Greek Temples were built to be houses, or homes for the g-ds. Are we making this up?
Here Louis Farrakhan openly declares Obama is the messiah.
And there is much more. But here's the question, you tell me how much of all that ... I just made up![]()
Great post Andy,
You have some Obama is the messiah stuff that I did not see yet, I thought I saw it all. I want to add this to the obama is messiah page so I have an accurate list of all the times THE LEFT calls or referes to obama as messiah.
thanks for such a great post