Obama retains strength among highly educated

Yes it would make them mad, probably riots in the street. But if there were some really sick and seedy thing that was exposed....... what other choice would they have really?

This story has been out for a few months now, if there was any big truth or evidence to back it up it would have already broke.

I think if anyone is holding on to hope that this story will somehow propel Clinton to the White House they are kidding themselves.
It kills me how anyone still thinks Hillary Clinton is going to beat anybody... She's already lost.

And truthfully the smear Obama Clintonista talk just really hurt Hillary for consideration for VP even more. No one wants to be President with the VP and her husband forcing their way in the door. Would you welcome in a situation like that... of course not.

Hillary Clinton is a good Senator and I'd personally like to see her as Madam Speaker. Former President Bill Clinton had some private personal shortcomings but except for NAFTA I feel he did a very good job as our President.

Now the page has turned and Senator Obama won fair and square. He deserves his chance. I'm very comfortable that he will be our next President.
This story has been out for a few months now, if there was any big truth or evidence to back it up it would have already broke.

I think if anyone is holding on to hope that this story will somehow propel Clinton to the White House they are kidding themselves.

The story about Obama's church was well known but not reported for over a year before ABC finally did, then everyone did.

Connections to William Aires were held back even longer. This will come out too, it is just a matter of when. Probably post convention.
If Nov. I had two names Obama and McCain.

No thought..... McCain

If Nov. I had two names Clinton And McCain

I would seriously have to think about it.......

I know I am not the only one in that boat.

After all the scandals, all the convictions, all the missile technology sold to china, all the missing or fled the country 'friends' of the Clintons, after the 8 years of non-stop white trash president being sucked on while world leader meeting for peace are sitting outside waiting for him....

What exactly do you like about this women? This is one of the dirtiest women ever to be in politics.

This is the girl who absolutely made up crap about the people in the travel office, specifically to hide the fact she just wanted to reward political supporters with jobs. They went to court with their completely made up evidence and were all acquitted from every charge in mere minutes. They had their lives and and reputations run through the mud for the sake of not wanting to just lay them off since that would raise questions about presidential favoritism.

This is the girl that was involved with the Grande Castle real estate scam, where she (according to her statements) didn't do any work for the company running Grande Castle, yet oddly charged Jim McDougal for 30 hours of work from her rose law firm. Jim McDougal being the owner of Grande Castle. She just could not remember those billing records that suddenly popped into existence in the White House library a mere 2 years after being request by the courts.

This is the one who conducted secret meetings with lawyers and activist groups to come up with Hillary Care, a new health care scheme invented without the input of oh... Doctors, or Insurance companies, or anyone who'd know how the economy works. Basically only socialists were invited to consider how to make it work.

This is Hillary who pardoned 4 members of the Jewish community in New York, in exchange for gaining the Jewish vote.

Oddly just like her Husbands pardoning of Marc Rich for the sake of a large chuck of cash given to him by Rich's wife.

There are so many dirty vibes from Hillary, what exactly do you like about her? What possible motive could you have for voting for this crazy scandal ridden self proclaimed "New Yorker" who couldn't remember who played for the New York Giants, yet said she was a life long Yankees fan, but couldn't name a single player on the team??

If you can read this and still even consider her for a vote, I'm not even sure what to say.
Hillary Clinton is a good Senator and I'd personally like to see her as Madam Speaker. Former President Bill Clinton had some private personal shortcomings but except for NAFTA I feel he did a very good job as our President.

Just out of curiosity... what specifically did Clinton do that was a good job?

I am looking for something more than the ambiguous "the economy was good", for two reasons:

1. the end of his 2 terms we were in a recession in 1999 and 2000

2. because the economy goes up and down regardless who's in office. You need to point to specific legislation that he promoted and signed that had the positive effect.

What specifically did he do that you thought was wonderful? Other than spend his time being sucked on instead of working. Although maybe that is a plus to some people...
Just out of curiosity... what specifically did Clinton do that was a good job?

I am looking for something more than the ambiguous "the economy was good", for two reasons:

1. the end of his 2 terms we were in a recession in 1999 and 2000

2. because the economy goes up and down regardless who's in office. You need to point to specific legislation that he promoted and signed that had the positive effect.

What specifically did he do that you thought was wonderful? Other than spend his time being sucked on instead of working. Although maybe that is a plus to some people...

Well then Andy maybe you can agree that Bush2 has done a wonderful job with your country? And if you can't maybe we can find a con who does. Ya think?
Interesting! Would you have another 8 years of him for the tax cuts? Or his twin brother? Or would it not matter because a pres has nothing to do with the state of the economy?

The President does not control the economy that is true, but he can set a monetary policy that will have an effect on the economy.

If the election came down to Obama Vs. Bush, I would vote Bush again yes.
What if the election comes down to McCain vs Clinton?

Anyone remember the Clinton economy? 22 million new jobs? Strongest in US History? Ring any bells? It should, it's what happened.

Nobody gives a damn about Bill's marital infidelities anymore. If marital infidelities were a disqualifier for respect, then 90% of men worldwide would be despised worse than Bill.

What matters is who can get the job done. Anyone hear the news that numbers of superdelegates have switched their alliance to Hillary from Obama since June? I just read an article about it two days ago. And they may reseat Michigan and Florida at the convention. It may just be a Hillary/McCain election this Fall. http://themoderatevoice.com/media/tv-news/cnn/21435/denver-or-is-this-tombstone/#disqus_thread

I wonder how Hillary will do against McCain? Can anyone say "Landslide"? :cool:
I've always predicted that Obama and McCane won't meet in the election. I think we are experinecing the last ditch effort to destroy Obama now because that's the only way McCane can win. If they can't destroy Obama then McCane gets pulled at the last moment due to Cancer.

Thanks for making that clear Rob. I wondered just how stubborn you would be.
What if the election comes down to McCain vs Clinton?

Anyone remember the Clinton economy? 22 million new jobs? Strongest in US History? Ring any bells? It should, it's what happened.

Nobody gives a damn about Bill's marital infidelities anymore. If marital infidelities were a disqualifier for respect, then 90% of men worldwide would be despised worse than Bill.

What matters is who can get the job done. Anyone hear the news that numbers of superdelegates have switched their alliance to Hillary from Obama since June? I just read an article about it two days ago. And they may reseat Michigan and Florida at the convention. It may just be a Hillary/McCain election this Fall. http://themoderatevoice.com/media/tv-news/cnn/21435/denver-or-is-this-tombstone/#disqus_thread

I wonder how Hillary will do against McCain? Can anyone say "Landslide"? :cool:

The decision to seat Florida and Michigan delegates has already been made months ago. They will be seated, but will only get 1/2 a vote.

Hillary is not going to get the nomination. And if super delegates enact some sort of "coup" then the general electorate will be upset that the DNC ignored their votes basically, that McCain will walk in.

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