Well-Known Member
Pandora said: In closing, if you think the Bush administration fabricated anything... It seems disingenuous of you if you don’t agree that Dems were right there with him. There are so many other clips of other Dems insisting that Iraq had WMD but you get the general idea
And since all of that tripe has been on every Republicans instant replay button since the big 'shame factor' about dear little G.W.B.'s fabrication came into the light of day...your constant viewing is just as telling as your constant ignoring.
Hell-Bells we even sent General Collin Powell to the UN to present a 'dog & pony show' filled with 'loads of manure' about WMD. But keep bringing your very own 'DOG & PONY SHOW' back into the rerun just supports the fact that from out of our FEAR of terrorist G.W.B. had the total support of everyone!!! Well, until the lies started to float to the surface and then we all shared in the SHAME.
You are allowed your 'feelings' that YOU think I'm DISINGENOUS and I'm allowed my feelings that you are drinking from the republican kool-aide loaded water fountain and it's impairing your ability to THINK CLEARLY!!! LMAO