Awwww - did the nation neglect you as a vet?? Is that why you are indulging in this embarassing whimper-fest?
The issue isn't only the cost - it's that the election-year gimmick bill would decrease the ranks in the middle of two wars. Can you debate that issue? No, you can't - what you do is whimper and rant. Watch now folks - Vietshellshock is about to whimper and rant.
Listen you no-account little punk assed ***** you, I am speaking up for veterans of THIS war in Iraq, and the war in Afghanistan. I never had any problem getting the educational benefits I was entitled to, or dealing with the kinds of problems like missing limbs and other "slight" medical problems, that these guys are facing now.This isn't about me. I think they are getting the shaft, and i am standing up for them. Do you know any veterans of this war? I doubt it. You're not fit to scrape the **** off their combat boots, chickenhawk junior grade..
I'll "shellshock" YOU, you sorry assed impersonater of a useful human being.
you really ARE the village idiot, aren't you?
That's why the average garden-variety punk like you needs to get his cowardly ass down to the local recruiting station and sign up, since you "support" the Iraq war so much.Further, that is why I am for a return to the draft, precisely to give overgrown juvies a chance to make some use of themselves.You would no doubt make damned good "cannon fodder." Is that enough "rebuttal" for ya there, "butthead?" HAHAHAHAHA.,as you would so intelligently respond..

You woudn't last a week in a combat zone, BOY. You'd be whining for your mommy, like the wet-nursing pup you are.
So pups like you need to get out of the way, and let the big dogs play. BOY.