Translation: you've been b_tch-slapped and have no response
The US hasn't had it for 35 years. I believe it is unconstitutional, as it violates the prohibition against involuntary servitude.
You're making it too easy. You believe the draft is 'unconstitutional?!"
Do you realize what an amazingly naive statement that is? Yeah, it's unconstitutional. That's why they had it in place for all those years, because it's unconstitutional!!

"Involuntary servitude" was referenced in the thirteenth amendment, and is about slave ownership, not about conscription..After the civil war, slavery was abolished, and slavery was, naturally, true 'servitude." The last time I checked, there was no record of slaves being paid for their "servitude." Military draftees were not slaves.
Have you ever actually READ any of the constitution? You MUST have fallen off a turnip truck..Whoever told you you were any good at debating politics was pulling your leg, mister.
Garsh, do you REALLY believe that, or are ya funnin' me?