Music is it considered a subject or is it a waist of time.

Wouldnt it be better to see that the psrents raise the child ? Eliminate welfare and no fault divorce and see if the situation improves. It cant get worse so why not give it a whirl ?

Some parents cant raise them. What about single women out of wedlock? I think when you get a baby out of wedlock state takes the baby away and puts it in an orphanage.
Some parents cant raise them. What about single women out of wedlock? I think when you get a baby out of wedlock state takes the baby away and puts it in an orphanage.
If girls knew that there was no welfare for them they will have to give more considerationto how when and with whom they let in their knickers. It will put incentive back into not giving away the milk and selling the cow. Welfare and no fault divorce have done nothing except eliminate responsibility. Like I said, give it a shot. Nothing else has helped and things couldnt be worse, it almost has to get better.
There are a lot of bad people in the world. When it comes to the kids some of them just don't care. Kids get beaten and battered, but why don't they tell somebody?
Probably because somwhere they were taught to love their parents and they don't want to send their parents to jail nomatter how much they are abused.
Steveox don't blame it on the black people.
Their not the only ones on food stamps
Kids barley getting on their feet might be on food stamps.
People who stoped out of school to help their parents might be on food stamps.
You may as well be on food stamps.(n)
How did this thread go from music to child abuse?

I think high schools should offer elective classes in music, art, mechanics/shop, and homemaking. These are areas that the kid shows an interest in and wants to take. There could be an extra hour class added on and taught by experienced people in those areas, who don't have to be unionized degreed teachers. I also think PE should be mandatory.
In highschool you have to take certain classes leaving you with two electives, but in a magnet school you have to take the magnet course. If you throw PE in there as MANDATORY then magnet school kids won't be able to have their free elective choice and won't be able to take band
If you are going to try and make the point that these over achievers cant take band when they have an elective to use should one be claimed for PE then I have to question what you know of magnet schools. It would seem unlikely that you attend one.
If you look it up you will find that a healthy body is very helpful in developing a healthy mind.
I'm a music fan and musician (clarinet in the school band) and I've been around thw block many more times than you. You are not making the best case for music. I know you love it but these is much more to it than that
Why do you say that it is not possible for me to be attending a magnet school?
(By the way the clarinet is my instrument)
You don't need to take PE to be healthy.:sick:
If PE were mandatory in highschool
Kids in magnet schools wouldn't get an elective.
Where does that leave them????

Is the band class your talking about a marching band? In that case, it could probably qualify as P.E., especially if the instrument is the tuba.....:p