Music is it considered a subject or is it a waist of time.

Coaches say that sports teach kids life lessons is this true or just a pretty decoration they put in our heads?:giggle:
It CAN. Obviously dependant upon the coaching. Learning the value of teamwork is a benefit as well as working toward perfecting execution and setting and achueving goals. Marching bands can do much the same.
Sports have no place in public education. I realize this is not a popular opinion but, it is the truth!
I could more or less agree. Stastically speaking neither sports nor music programs are very likely to do much to help one grow into a productive adult in anyway near the way that say math or reading does.
True no its been suggested that the knock on home schooling is that it does leave kids less socially ept ss they have fewer people they have to work with. So while they score well in testing and dominate spelling bees how many hermits do we need ?
Sort of an overly harsh picture but the fact that an industry sprouted up to offer socializing does lend truth that its a problem and inherant to it.
True no its been suggested that the knock on home schooling is that it does leave kids less socially ept ss they have fewer people they have to work with. So while they score well in testing and dominate spelling bees how many hermits do we need ?
Sort of an overly harsh picture but the fact that an industry sprouted up to offer socializing does lend truth that its a problem and inherant to it.
In todays social media society we live in, socialization is not exactly an issue. Certainly not hermits. My children were home schooled. They were well aware of everything going on at the high school from sporting events to even drama all via Facebook. It was interesting to see just how connected to they were with the school and their peers without attending school.
In band you know everyone whether they are a year or two above you or below you.
You get oppperunitys that are otherwise not there for you.
Football players only know a20 people team a band kid knows a 200-300 something family.:love:
I think Sex ed is a waste of time. Cause all it does is cause teen pregnancy. If kids were taught by their parents about sex then you wouldn't have an high teen pregnancy rate. Also Counseling is a waste of time and taxpayer money cause kids don't listen what their guidance counselor says.
In band you know everyone whether they are a year or two above you or below you.
You get oppperunitys that are otherwise not there for you.
Football players only know a20 people team a band kid knows a 200-300 something family.:love:
Few bands (if any) have hundreds of members. HS football teams in Texas might very well have a hundred members if you throw in freshman teams and such.
In todays social media society we live in, socialization is not exactly an issue. Certainly not hermits. My children were home schooled. They were well aware of everything going on at the high school from sporting events to even drama all via Facebook. It was interesting to see just how connected to they were with the school and their peers without attending school.
So they do their team projects on Facebook ? Do their public service work on Twitter ?
I think Sex ed is a waste of time. Cause all it does is cause teen pregnancy. If kids were taught by their parents about sex then you wouldn't have an high teen pregnancy rate. Also Counseling is a waste of time and taxpayer money cause kids don't listen what their guidance counselor says.
Where to start ? ParentS are becoming the exception not the norm. That being said I dont feel its the job of school to do this but there is no putting the genii back in that bottle. Counselling is hit and miss but serves a purpose. Central management is another story. Six figure salaries and lots of them and what is the value add from them ? Youre going to have a hard time answering that.
So they do their team projects on Facebook ? Do their public service work on Twitter ?
Home School may be a little different than what you are thinking. It is all on line and interactive with teachers and other students. They do their group projects with other home school students enrolled in the same programs.

Public service is done within the community where they interact with many other kids enrolled in the local schools.
Homeschooling is not always the best choice how can they really experience school.
In my opinion, for those who can, especially those who face sending their children to substandard schools, home schooling is always a better option.

Home schooling is much more interactive than in the past and done correctly certainly provides students with a better education than public schools.

The education statistics of our publicly educated students in this Country alone reflects this facts.
Do it like Russia does it. When you have a baby you can keep it up to 5 years old. Then you gotta give it up to the state. The government raises your children and teaches them. You see a lot of black people don't care about their kids they get on welfare food stamps and buy booze and drugs with it. Newt Gingrich is right. He said if you cant afford to take care of your children and raise it properly then put them in orphanages so theyre raised properly and theyre not in danger like drive by shootings like they have in Chicago now
Do it like Russia does it. When you have a baby you can keep it up to 5 years old. Then you gotta give it up to the state. The government raises your children and teaches them. You see a lot of black people don't care about their kids they get on welfare food stamps and buy booze and drugs with it. Newt Gingrich is right. He said if you cant afford to take care of your children and raise it properly then put them in orphanages so theyre raised properly and theyre not in danger like drive by shootings like they have in Chicago now
Wouldnt it be better to see that the psrents raise the child ? Eliminate welfare and no fault divorce and see if the situation improves. It cant get worse so why not give it a whirl ?