Munich prepares for Oktoberfest

Eins, zwei, g'suffa!!!! :D

Start memorizing the german for In München steht ein Hofbräuhaus - impress your friends! :D

In München steht ein Hofbräuhaus:
Eins, zwei, g'suffa ...
Da läuft so manches Fäßchen aus:
Eins, zwei, g'suffa ...
Da hat so mancher brave Mann:
Eins, zwei, g'suffa ...
Gezeigt was er so vertragen kann
Schon früh am Morgen fing er an
Und spät am Abend kam er heraus
So schön ist's im Hofbräuhaus.

English for info:

In Munich stands a Hofbräuhaus: one, two ... cheers!
There run out so many steins: one, two ... cheers!
There are so many brave men: one, two ... cheers!
Show what he can endure
Already early in the morning he begins
And late at night he comes out
So beautiful it is in the Hofbräuhaus!

I have to tell you one story: the best Octoberfest hereabouts is a place called Alpine Village in Torrance, California - every year they import German bands from Bavaria and do the fest just like in Germany.

One year me and the gf had a an exchange student from Frankfurt staying with us. Her bf from Hamburg came over and crashed with us for a week. Since it was October, I suggested they go with us to Octoberfest - turns out he had never been to an Octoberfest - I guess that's northern germans for you. :rolleyes: But we persuaded him to come, and a good time was had by all. Excuse me now, I have to do my yearly memorization of In München steht ein Hofbräuhaus. :)
Are you a descendant of him eh Libs?

With that skill at story telling I'm guessing you must be.

I can't wait to tell it to my friends
Dawkins, if your just out for an argument about nothing, you should probably try doing it face to face with somone in the real world rather than sat behind your computer.
I have to tell you one story: the best Octoberfest hereabouts is a place called Alpine Village in Torrance, California - every year they import German bands from Bavaria and do the fest just like in Germany.

I can imagine these are really fun events - the Americanisation of German beer drinking must we really great family day out!!

These sort of things would be impossible in the UK because it would sadly just descend into a drunken brawl.
An American village pretending to do Oktoberfest

That doesn't sound tacky at all.

Maybe it should move to somewhere tasteful like Las Vega

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