The Scotsman
Well-Known Member
Scots guy goes into a brothel in Amsterdam one night and finds himself a really cool looking hooker. He asks her "How much dea'ya charrrge fur an hoor?"
"£100," she replies.
"Aye okay lassie" So he asks "Dea'ya do it Scottish style?"
She looks at him a bit strangley and says "No way!!"
He then asks her "I'll gi ya £200 if ye dea it Scottish style?"
"Look" She says "I'm not doing it Scotiish Style" actually not having the faintest idea what Scottish style is!
So our Scotsman pulls his wallet out, blows the dust off, prises the rustly clasp open and looks inside...and sighs, and then finally says "Look ye'ar a bonnie looking wee lassie so I'll tell yee what... I'll bung yee £500 to go Scottish style wi me!"
Finally she agrees! thinking "Well that the hell, I've been in the game for over 10 years now, I've been there and done that, had every kind of request from weirdo's from every corner of the world. How bad could Scottish style be?"
So she goes ahead and does the deed in every kind of way and in every possible position. Finally, after several intense hours they've exhausted themselves. Tired but happy, the hooker says "That was fantastic. I've never enjoyed work so much. But I was expecting something perverted and disgusting. Where does the 'Scottish style' come in?"
The Scotsman replies... "I'll pay ye next week"
"£100," she replies.
"Aye okay lassie" So he asks "Dea'ya do it Scottish style?"
She looks at him a bit strangley and says "No way!!"
He then asks her "I'll gi ya £200 if ye dea it Scottish style?"
"Look" She says "I'm not doing it Scotiish Style" actually not having the faintest idea what Scottish style is!
So our Scotsman pulls his wallet out, blows the dust off, prises the rustly clasp open and looks inside...and sighs, and then finally says "Look ye'ar a bonnie looking wee lassie so I'll tell yee what... I'll bung yee £500 to go Scottish style wi me!"
Finally she agrees! thinking "Well that the hell, I've been in the game for over 10 years now, I've been there and done that, had every kind of request from weirdo's from every corner of the world. How bad could Scottish style be?"
So she goes ahead and does the deed in every kind of way and in every possible position. Finally, after several intense hours they've exhausted themselves. Tired but happy, the hooker says "That was fantastic. I've never enjoyed work so much. But I was expecting something perverted and disgusting. Where does the 'Scottish style' come in?"
The Scotsman replies... "I'll pay ye next week"