Argh! Your so close to understand why I reject organized, man made religion all together! If we are unable to comprehed the creator, why have you chosen to believe you can and follow a religion!? Don't you see the contradictory flaw?
we can comprehend that he created us and listen to his influence in our lives and have faith in him. that is enough. we would be equal to him if we could fully understand him. there is no logical flaw in this idiology.
You don't know ANYTHING about the afterlife, NOBODY does. Instead you have chosen to follow what other humans around you, namely your elders tell you, and follow a man made religion, CHRISTIANITY.
we have no record of who "invented" christianity. it has existed throughout all recorded history. explain that.
But why do you believe there is a God if you admit that very knowledge is beyond our comprehension? Because its easier to believe? So you admit you are willing to believe in lies if its easier? I think deep down, you are actually an agnostic judging by this post and you have just taken pascal up on his wager.
the knowlege of what exactly god is, is beyond our comprehension, but that doesnt mean he doesnt exist. we can see intelligent design all around us. have you ever heard of bodes law?
I'm an athiest/agnostic, and I live a moral life; probably more moral than many so called Christians. Explain that.
why? why do you live a moral life when there is no point to existence and there are no written morals in science and evolution other than survival of the fittest? dont you know where morals come from? they come from philosophy and religion. if you say they come from science than all respect i have for you would be annialated, becuase that statement would be absurd.
Christanity does not explain existence, it fabricates a story to fill the void of knowledge about existence.