McCain has 61 yr old librarian kicked out of town hall

oddly I am not on reality TV so I don't have cameras that go where ever I go. So no , but you can believe me, or call me a liar , its up to you.

I was in no way suggesting that you were lying but you must admit that without documentation, your claims are simply anecdotal. I googled looking for examples of Liberal speakers being heckled by Conservatives but couldn't find any... There is a whole stack of examples in the reverse direction.

So I find it "funny" that only conservatives own camera phones, tape recorders and other fancy devices necessary for documenting their ill-treatment.
You must have gone to college a long time ago. Nowadays, the few conservative speakers who make it on campus are shouted down or attacked, speech-code violators are kicked off campus, and conservative alternate newspapers are gathered up and destroyed, reminiscent of nazi book burnings.

So you mean kinda like what the general public sometimes does when the Klan has a public hate rally. Hmmm... you may be right. ;)
What does that incoherent spurt mean?? Who knows. :rolleyes: Who cares. ;)

Were the words just too big for you my friend? ;)

Neo-con talkers often come off like the KKK. They spend a lot of time on fear mongering & trying to drive wedges between people.

You act like that... you might get booed!
I was in no way suggesting that you were lying but you must admit that without documentation, your claims are simply anecdotal. I googled looking for examples of Liberal speakers being heckled by Conservatives but couldn't find any... There is a whole stack of examples in the reverse direction.

So I find it "funny" that only conservatives own camera phones, tape recorders and other fancy devices necessary for documenting their ill-treatment.

maybe we don't feel we need to YouTube it..But you can call in anecdotal all you want, since I was there its a simple fact to me. I have myself been yelled at while I was trying to talk...I never called it attack on Free Speech...I called it, some dude was a jerk. And even more so right around the prewar in Iraq..I had friends that where very against the war, but did not even want to say anything because there where tiered of being yelled at and called UnAmerican for not agreeing with Republicans. Needless to say more then few times I shut those people up for them...:)

Also if you want to talk about Heckling , was not Bush Supporter fimled going after Kerry or something just a year ago? I dont know off hand. I admit that if you have a **** like Culter come speak at your are more likey to get that type of thing ..Not that I agree with it...(though I would make a expeption for her maybe :) ) but I when it comes to evry day people getting more or less hecked or tried to be shouted down....its fairly even accross the board.

Personally I think some of the stuff they do just makes me side look worse...where as I can normally make the one I am against look bad with this simple thing I do....I make them actually respond the the Question....half the time they know they don't have something so they just give something that does not mean anything....and I just ask again , and again...driving home the point they don't know what they are talking about. Works most of the time.

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