Marijuana U.S.A.

Here we go. Small government conservatives wanting to protect us from ourselves.

Why are conservatives arguing for the nanny state?
"Members of the U.S. House of Representatives, Oversight and Accountability Committee voted 30-14 today in favor of bipartisan legislation, H.R. 5040: The Cannabis Users’ Restoration of Eligibility (CURE) Act, which expands federal employment and advancement opportunities for those with a history of past cannabis use.

As amended and passed by the Committee, the legislation limits federal agencies’ ability to consider an applicant’s past cannabis use when making security clearance or federal employment suitability decisions."

"Over 800 banks and credit unions have filed paperwork with the US government acknowledging their relationships with licensed cannabis businesses, according to quarterly data provided by the US Treasury Department.

The total is an
uptick from last year’s figures. At that time, the agency identified 553 banks (about 11 percent of all US banks) and 202 credit unions (about 4 percent of all US credit unions) that were providing banking services to marijuana-related businesses.

Federal law
discourages banks and other financial institutions from maintaining relationships with cannabis businesses because marijuana remains classified as a Schedule I controlled substance. On seven occasions, members of the US House of Representatives have passed legislation to explicitly permit banks and other institutions to engage in relationships with marijuana businesses without running afoul of federal law. However, members of the Senate have never advanced this language."

"Two marijuana markets saw sales go different directions in August.

Monthly sales of legal
marijuana in Missouri shrank slightly to $119 Million, with month-over-month declines in both adult-use and medical marijuana sales.

But in Montana, monthly legal cannabis sales reached a record high.

Montanas monthly total of nearly $28.7 Million in cannabis sales represents a 0.5% increase over July, according to state Department of Revenue figures."

"Cannabis has been around for thousands (according to some accounts, millions) of years, with humans partaking as early as twelve thousand years ago. Evidence shows use dating at least back to the Neolithic Age. It has been used for generations by different religious groups all over the world."
Various labs generally are contracted , I have taken several for jobs , but I was working in a nuke plant and on the shuttle and the northern Kentucky air port, a experimental small bath chemical company and a school.
Various labs generally are contracted , I have taken several for jobs , but I was working in a nuke plant and on the shuttle and the northern Kentucky air port, a experimental small bath chemical company and a school.

Yes for a job. Not the government forcing people to do it.

Conservatives claim to be for small government but support a police state and idiot wars.
Yes for a job. Not the government forcing people to do it.

Conservatives claim to be for small government but support a police state and idiot wars.
Of course not I agree .I do think a employer has a right to test .. However I do think the test need to show if your under the influence .Not sure they can do that. You misunderstood me

You see this guy? His name is Rock Contardi. You conservatives would see him as a great Christian American! Doing God's work on behalf of liberty!

The rock aka the cock aka retardi was so damn obsessed with finding weed on this poor guy he touched(Literally felt them!) his dick, balls and ass hole during searches. This was his fanatical desire to find this illicit substance. To protect and serve!

Now the idiot cop was fired for his actions. Sexually assaulting a citizen is wrong in that county! I'm sure this guy will find employment somewhere in the bible belt. Perhaps West Virginia.

So in short for simple civil liberties reasons it is better to legalize this stuff and regulate it accordingly.
Another group of patriotic solders for Jesus!

2 houses. Owned by a man named Jason Tartt. Rented to other people.

Several cops approach one of those houses demanding to know answers pertaining to a criminal activity. Their crime? Living near a field where ganja was growing. Let me repeat, the weed was not growing on their property where they live! The weed is not growing on property owned by the landlord Jason Tartt. But these hero cops are bothering them anyway and will proceed to violate their rights.

In the end Tartt will be arrested for refusing to provide his ID like a criminal. He did nothing wrong, he broke no laws. The weed was not growing on his property but damn it he needed to ID and show his papers. For not doing that he was cuffed and stuffed. While Tartt was being kidnapped by these hero cops they also forced the family that lived in that house to go inside so they could stop recording. Only a first amendment right! While forcing the family inside one cop set foot inside their home with no legal justification to do so.

So in summary in the ultimate pursuit of weed::rolleyes:

A law abiding property owner is unlawfully arrested and held for 26 hours.
A law abiding family is harassed, threatened and have police trespass on their home and force them inside and try to stop a lawful first amendment activity.

Worth it?