Marijuana U.S.A.

Let's talk about another problem with weed. The drug dog scam.

A cop can just claim that he smells weed in a traffic stop and that gives them the right to call in a K9 unit to sniff the car. It has been revealed in many videos like this one that this is a scam. The dog walks around the car about 50 times and does nothing so the K9 officer(Soldier for Jesus!) shows him a treat and he starts barking. We got a hit!

The dog sounding off allows these pigs, excuse me heroes to now tear your car up searching for this dangerous substance. You can object to the search but the cop claiming to smell weed and the dog sounding off hives them probable cause to search.

Again if weed is legal in a state we do not have these assaults on our liberty.
"New statewide rules take effect next week ending the practice of pre-employment marijuana screening for most state workers.

Under the new policy, which takes effect on Sunday, October 1st, most public employees will no longer be required to undergo pre-employment marijuana testing. (Exceptions to the new rules will remain for those in certain safety sensitive positions, like law enforcement personnel.) Those previously denied positions because of a failed marijuana test will be eligible to immediately reapply for employment."


"I don't think we're in Granny Palin's Alaska, anymore, Toto."
Easing Rules On Marijuana Ads / Sampling

September 26, 2023
"Alaska is easing restrictions on cannabis advertising and product sampling, the latest step towards liberalizing the state’s marijuana program as lawmakers also contemplate marijuana tax reform.

The revised rules take effect
Oct. 8 after being signed into law by Lt. Gov. Nancy Dahlstrom earlier this month."


Willie - 1978
“I went through the psychedelics. I go crazy on uppers, I go to sleep on downers. I can’t drink whiskey ’cuz I can’t remember what I did the night before when I wake up the next morning.”
"The investigation, which is being conducted by federal prosecutors in New Orleans, is a new escalation in the government's crackdown on commercial enterprises supporting the multi-billion-dollar marijuana trade, officials familiar with the case say.

Founded in the early 1970s, High Times continues to promote the values of the drug-using counterculture of that era. It publishes articles touting the medical and environmental virtues of marijuana, attacking government drug policies and, more recently, ridiculing national drug control director William J. Bennett ("What Jerks! Bennett Blasts Pot While Aide Has Nicotine Fit," read one recent headline.)

The magazine, which claims a circulation of 250,000, also regularly publishes advertisements for drug paraphernalia, such as pipes, bongs and special horticultural equipment that could be used to grow marijuana indoors. Another regular feature is "
Trans-High Market Quotations," a sort of stock index of the drug trade, listing current marijuana prices in select cities across the country. Those features have made the magazine a red flag to DEA, whose officials have described High Times as an open invitation to violate the drug laws."
Another example of our war on drugs. Especially marijuana! In the name of Jesus! Literally!

A Chattanooga Tn cop named Daniel Wilkey liked to do full body cavity searches right at roadside. He would take a simple traffic stop and do things like this. One woman he coerced into letting him baptize her.

Who cares about civil liberties and violating people? Stopping them from smoking weed is what is important!

This guy did this for years before he was finally fired and now he faces 44 criminal charges.
3 things that need to be changed regarding marijuana and civil liberties.

1. Legalize the possession and use of it in all 50 states. Stop the idiot war on drugs.

2. Over turn Mimms vs Pennsylvania which a a 1977 supreme court case that allows cops to get a person out of their vehicle for any reason the cop decides.

3. Pass laws in every state that ends a cop claiming to smell weed as probable cause to violate people's rights. Maryland just passed such a law. Democrats there voted for the law 27-7. Republicans(Small government liberty-loving!) voted against it 0-13.
"The New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA) awarded $12 Million in grants to 48 cannabis businesses under the state’s new Cannabis Equity Grant Program.

Officials originally earmarked $250,000 grants each for 24 businesses, but additional funding made available by Gov. Phil Murphy meant another 24 recipients were able to benefit, according to a news release."

"Since 2020, over 100,000 truck drivers have tested positive for past exposure to marijuana. The majority of those positive tests came via pre-employment screening. Those who fail random tests are required to enter a ‘return to work’ program, which includes passing a drug test, in order to have their license reinstated. However, only about one-quarter of those with drug test failures have done so — resulting in driver shortages and $upply chain i$$ue$."