Majority feel US has changed for the worse since 9/11

I went over to the base today, strictly to take a picture of the Col. "Bull" Simons memorial statue, just for our "girly-men", so that maybe, just maybe, they'll begin to get a clue.


Now, GROW SOME BALLS, or lose your country. It's up to you.
Sorry put it in the wrong thread.

I like to always mention Vietnam when talking about John Freaking Kerry (who served in Vietnam) because it was so important to John Freaking Kerry (who served in Vietnam) that we all know he did serve in Vietnam.

You are right about the buck stops with Bush But I would add this.....and Congress. The president is not king or god or even the almighty Messiah, he is the President. I feel worse about things too since 911. I see congress as more of the problem than the president but I think he should find a way to do like Reagan did and just bypass the media and congress and go right to the people. He might have done a whole lot better if he had.

Did you know McCain was a POW?
Did you know McCain was a POW?

Yes I did. I remebered it from 2000

He talked more about it at saddle back and I learned a whole lot more. Several people talked about it at his convention and I learned even more. I hope he figures we all know now and stops talking about it. I dont want him to use it like John Freaking Kerry (who served in Vietnam) did and does. It will make me mad.

I am soooooooooooooo glad when John Sidney McCain came to the podium to talk he did not start out with a dorky salute saying " reporting for duty"

I would hate for him to look like such a jack ass.