Lying polls favoring kamala is just another dirty democrat trick designed to corruptly rig the 2024 election in her favor

Polling is falsifiable. Religion is not.
Polls are not accurate and cannot be trusted or do not prove what pollsters claim.
Here are cases which prove that fact:

But here is irrefutable scientific evidence that polls can easily be manipulated to yield false conclusions and assumptions:

Political Behavior
Corrupted Estimates? Response Bias in Citizen Surveys on Corruption Paper

What factors can corrupt polls to the point of worthlessness, according to these researchers? The experts go into great detail about such factors as:

Sensitivity bias
Response bias
Political bias
and more, all of which can easily skew survey results to yield wrong conclusions and assumptions.
Polls are just a certain amount of people! Not all Americans!
To be accurate, the people polled should have the same distribution of types of people (by age, sex, ethnicity, degree of education) that exists in the group that the poll addresses. This is somewhat difficult to do, but possible.
Polls are not accurate and cannot be trusted or do not prove what pollsters claim.

Poll taking is a science. They always give a MARGIN OF ERROR. But likely you do not understand either.

The other day Trump was boasting about his poll numbers and you were no where to
Comment. You are a hypocrite and a liar. You would say anything.
But here is irrefutable scientific evidence that polls can easily be manipulated to yield false conclusions and assumptions:

Next you are gonna claim you have a discovered that water is wet. Lol. What is important is that poll taking is falsifiable (not that you understand that). Religion is not .
Welllll my opinion issss!!! When polls are done with elections, are people really white but really are black? Are they a woman or a man? Sounds childish but that’s exactly what is happening in America right now! That is in short of what Mark is trying to say! Call me silly but one says they are a woman but then conveniently a man for other reasons. Blah! Sorry but that’s the only way to make a simple point!

Welllll my opinion issss!!! When polls are done with elections, are people really white but really are black? Are they a woman or a man? Sounds childish but that’s exactly what is happening in America right now! That is in short of what Mark is trying to say! Call me silly but one says they are a woman but then conveniently a man for other reasons. Blah! Sorry but that’s the only way to make a simple point!
Bear with me…..

People are asked a question: are you male or female. To protect the responders privacy they are asked to flip a coin and if heads change their answer. Even that poll can very accurate if enough responders are asked.

Poll taking is a science. In my opinion mark does not understand the first thing about science.
Bear with me…..

People are asked a question: are you male or female. To protect the responders privacy they are asked to flip a coin and if heads change their answer. Even that poll can very accurate if enough responders are asked.

Poll taking is a science. In my opinion mark does not understand the first thing about science.
Well I’m no genius. And I appreciate you answering in a polite way lol. I think Mark understands it his way. If that makes sense. He has his beliefs and posts articles, etc as others are just quick to degrade him.
I probably do not understand it as well but I do understand that they can post all the polls they choose, no one will know how anyone votes no matter what one states or answers!
Successful poll taking requires a very profound knowledge of statistics and how to use them.
Religion often requires people to believe in rather improbable and unprovable beings (Gods, angels, demons, ghosts).
Well I’m no genius. And I appreciate you answering in a polite way lol. I think Mark understands it his way. If that makes sense. He has his beliefs and posts articles, etc as others are just quick to degrade him.
I probably do not understand it as well but I do understand that they can post all the polls they choose, no one will know how anyone votes no matter what one states or answers!
You are correct. We have crooked scientists and crooked science too. :(
Science can be faked by promotors.
There is a lot of fake science used as clickbait. Like the question, "which fruits are DANGEROUS"? accompanied by an illustration of a banana.

What fruits are dangerous? Uncooked ackee, and of course, strychnine.