Long history of election ward corruption

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
America has been plagued by voting fraud almost as long as it has existed. That is because sinners do wickedly by nature when rebelling against God.
This is an excellent article by



https://www.salon.com/2016/02/14/el...toriety_for_election_corruption_is_legendary/ 2-14-16

Election fraud Chicago style: Illinois’ decades-old notoriety for election corruption is legendary
2014 vote buying
Alderwoman Leslie Hairston, whose Fifth Ward covered Chicago’s South Shore and Hyde Park neighborhoods, was a good machine politician. Though she herself was not up for reelection, she too worried about turnout. To encourage voters, she offered residents in her ward a chance to participate in a raffle for gift cards from Walgreens, Starbucks, Potbelly, and other places. Raffle “tickets” would be given out free to anyone who voted in November. Hairston posted the raffle offer on Facebook and other social media. ...
Illinois’s decades-old notoriety for election corruption is legendary. Many people still remember stories about the first Mayor Richard A. Daley rigging the presidential election of John F. Kennedy in 1960, for example, but even in those times, electoral fraud was probably common in local elections. In fact, the bigger news in the 1960 election was that State’s Attorney Benjamin Adamowski, a Republican running for reelection, was posed to run against Richard J. Daley in the next mayoral race. Common knowledge attributed his loss most definitely to fraud. ...
Election officials knew about and permitted some patronage to continue, even when it bordered on fraud—at least until they themselves were caught. In the Chicago and Illinois general election of November 1982, twenty-six people, a majority of them election officials, were indicted for election fraud in federal court. ...
Witnesses accused the defendants of forging signatures, impersonating voters, registering ineligible voters, “assisting” older or disabled voters, bribing voters, illegally dispensing and voting absentee ballots, and using weapons and force to persuade voters and campaign workers. One official was accused of running a ballot through the tabulator two hundred times in order to increase his candidate’s margin of victory.

Joe Novak, a longtime Chicago political operative who knew the intimate details of the election system, explained in 2002 that election fraud still worked the way it had for years. “Precinct captains still like to control the vote by pushing absentees.” The captain goes to a retirement center or other places where the elderly gather and gets a signed statement from a voter that they can’t make it to the polls on Election Day. The captain can tell the voter how to vote. The idea is “Captains like to be ranked No. 1” in their ward organization. Alderman Joseph Moore from the Forty-Ninth Ward added, “The captain will offer to take (a completed absentee ballot) downtown for you.” “Until they tightened the rules a few years ago,” Moore said, “it was common to see captains bringing in buckets full of ballots.” ...
America has been plagued by voting fraud almost as long as it has existed. That is because sinners do wickedly by nature when rebelling against God.
This is an excellent article by

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https://www.salon.com/2016/02/14/el...toriety_for_election_corruption_is_legendary/ 2-14-16

Election fraud Chicago style: Illinois’ decades-old notoriety for election corruption is legendary
2014 vote buying
Alderwoman Leslie Hairston, whose Fifth Ward covered Chicago’s South Shore and Hyde Park neighborhoods, was a good machine politician. Though she herself was not up for reelection, she too worried about turnout. To encourage voters, she offered residents in her ward a chance to participate in a raffle for gift cards from Walgreens, Starbucks, Potbelly, and other places. Raffle “tickets” would be given out free to anyone who voted in November. Hairston posted the raffle offer on Facebook and other social media. ...
Illinois’s decades-old notoriety for election corruption is legendary. Many people still remember stories about the first Mayor Richard A. Daley rigging the presidential election of John F. Kennedy in 1960, for example, but even in those times, electoral fraud was probably common in local elections. In fact, the bigger news in the 1960 election was that State’s Attorney Benjamin Adamowski, a Republican running for reelection, was posed to run against Richard J. Daley in the next mayoral race. Common knowledge attributed his loss most definitely to fraud. ...
Election officials knew about and permitted some patronage to continue, even when it bordered on fraud—at least until they themselves were caught. In the Chicago and Illinois general election of November 1982, twenty-six people, a majority of them election officials, were indicted for election fraud in federal court. ...
Witnesses accused the defendants of forging signatures, impersonating voters, registering ineligible voters, “assisting” older or disabled voters, bribing voters, illegally dispensing and voting absentee ballots, and using weapons and force to persuade voters and campaign workers. One official was accused of running a ballot through the tabulator two hundred times in order to increase his candidate’s margin of victory.

Joe Novak, a longtime Chicago political operative who knew the intimate details of the election system, explained in 2002 that election fraud still worked the way it had for years. “Precinct captains still like to control the vote by pushing absentees.” The captain goes to a retirement center or other places where the elderly gather and gets a signed statement from a voter that they can’t make it to the polls on Election Day. The captain can tell the voter how to vote. The idea is “Captains like to be ranked No. 1” in their ward organization. Alderman Joseph Moore from the Forty-Ninth Ward added, “The captain will offer to take (a completed absentee ballot) downtown for you.” “Until they tightened the rules a few years ago,” Moore said, “it was common to see captains bringing in buckets full of ballots.” ...
Can you post the bit where is says proven election fraud was committed?