indeed i do Parroting wasnt the objective so I extend my apology to you.
indeed i do Parroting wasnt the objective so I extend my apology to you.
More evidence of why libertarianism is not the philosophy of mature people. Grownups know that almost all scientific experiments fail
and when one is talking about an economy, and a legal system that is the size of ours, when the experiment inevetably failed, there would be no going back. The damage would take generations to repair if, in fact, it could ever be repaired.
I am not the one promoting a flawed philosophy.
The fact of the matter is that
libertarians consistently get 1% or less of the national vote. This doesn't happen because you are smarter than 99% of the population, it happens because most of the population see the immaturity that libertarian thinking represents.
Of course it is. To be a slave, one must be legally owned by another. LEGALLY OWNED. That is what slavery is.
Any other definition is flawed. Prove that your definition of slavery constitutes legal ownership.
First off, if I am a slave, I am legally owned by someone else and since they own me,
they also own everything that could be construed as mine. As a slave, I would not have anything that my master had not specifically given me and therefore would have nothing that someone else could take 50% of. Your definition is flawed
The nature of libertarianism is that you must unilatarally redefine words in order for your philosophy to make any sense at all.
There is no such thing as partial slavery. Another made up term. One is either a slave, or one is free.
If you don't like this system, you are free to travel the world seeking another that suits you better.
You are obviously never going to change this one getting 1% of the vote.
And the "threat of force" analogy is so tiresome. Get a new one, and don't come up with "men with guns" either, it has already been used ad nauseum as well.
I have shown you already. If you lack the intellectual wattage to comprehend it, that is not my responsibility.
And in case you haven't noticed, it is you who is running away. Have you noticed that everyone you have talked to has pointed out that you are not answering specific questions they put to you?
You regurgitate a flood of drivel in place of specific answers and then tell everyone how smart you are.
Ownership of one's self makes one's self property.
One can sell property to another. Under the philosophy of libertarianism, one could legally sell oneself to another and fit the legal definiton of slavery. By the same token, if you owe me a debt that is larger than your monetary holdings, I am entitled to sieze your property, and if yourself is property, I woud have the legal right to sieze yourself in payment of debt. The fact that you don't see this glaring fact within your philosphy is evidence that you are not a mature, thinking person.
I am not crying.
A political group that can't get elected to any office higher than city council and dog catcher hardly represents a threat worthy of crying over.
There is a specific reason that your philosophy which has been around for quite some time can't gain traction. When you grow up, you will come to know why.
And the "threat of force" analogy is so tiresome. Get a new one, and don't come up with "men with guns" either, it has already been used ad nauseum as well.
Not because I say so, because your philosophy says so. I have put the question to you, now you can either address it, or continue to roll on the flooor laughing in defeat. This is the typical libertarian response. Laugher in lieu of defending your philosophy.
The answer to your question is no, I do not own myself.
No one owns me.
If I owned myself, I could sell my body parts for profit. I clearly can't do that, so I clearly don't own them.
And I control my actions to a degree, exactly as you do. In any society, you are given a range of options that you may operate within.
ROTFL. Your Ad Hominem attacks are logical fallacies. Since you started it, I'm going to give as good as I get, so I will be returning the favor, but again, your "position" is completely and totally irrational and illogical. Probably a good case of Cognitive Dissonance that prevents you from seeing it. That and your over-sized ego, arrogant one.
Regardless, NO TRUTH CAN BE PROVEN OUTSIDE OF THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD. So, since you allege most experiments fail, is your position that the scientific method should be done away with??? ROTFLMAO!!!! Keep talking, Shetland pony rider. You're just digging a deeper hole for yourself.
What a complete and total fraud you are. Have you no intellectual honesty whatsoever? Or do you just enjoy deceiving yourself and others? You might need to seek out a good therapist..
What did I quantify in my original statement? I stated that the experiments would start very small scale in a town or other small area..
You really need to stop lying and you also need to apologize to the people of this forum for attempting to defraud them via distortions and fallacies.
You are one pathetic little lying dweeb.
Yes, you are, you lying fraud. Conservatism is a completely flawed philosophy, as evidenced by your master Bush who purports to be a Conservative:
Government spending has gone up every single year under Bush.
The size of government has grown larger every single year under Bush.
The national debt has grown larger every single year under Bush.
The number of federal employees has increased under Bush.
The number of entitlement programs has increased under Bush.
The number of federal regulations has increased every year under Bush.
Government corruption has continued unabated among Republicans.
Bush has done nothing to create the smaller government he campaigned on.
He has either compromised his principles, or he lied from the beginning...which is it?
So when 1% or less of the world's population believed the world was round, while the remaining 99% of the population believed it was flat - your argument is that the 1% weren't actually more knowledgeable than the 99%, but that the 99% saw the "immaturity" of the "round worlders" and therefore knew that the world was really flat? That would be an interesting concept...![]()
The American revolution was not supported by the majority, and many people support libertarian principles, they've just been deceived by you frauds in the two major parties. The truth will ultimately prevail over your lies. May take another 100 years, but it is worth the sacrifice.
Another complete and total lie - "Everyone you have talked to?" LOL. What a pathetic little liar you are. One other individual made that false claim in this thread - false because I did answer his question. I can't magically grant you people reading comprehension skills.
I think a lot of people don't want to try libertarianism just because of fear, which is irrational. All we're calling for is experimentation, via the scientific method, to apply our principles. If it fails, we can always go back to what we have now. There's no risk if we start with a small, area, a small city or large town, then go to a state, then regional, and finally the federal level if all works as planned.
One thing is certain, refusal to experiment is irrational and unscientific. All scientific progress and verification of truth has come via the scientific method, which is based on experimentation.
Why not experiment? It's already been done on some levels, such as Thomas Jeffersons administration, with great success:
Socialists and collectivists don't want to experiment with it because they want more government - plain and simple - and there are a lot of socialists in the media who don't want to do any stories on libertarianism as a result. Politicians don't want to experiment with it because THEY LOSE POWER in such an environment. They can't purport to come save everyone and save the world when the government is limited solely to protecting individual rights under natural law.
Yes, you are, you lying fraud. Conservatism is a completely flawed philosophy, as evidenced by your master Bush who purports to be a Conservative:
Government spending has gone up every single year under Bush.
The size of government has grown larger every single year under Bush.
The national debt has grown larger every single year under Bush.
The number of federal employees has increased under Bush.
The number of entitlement programs has increased under Bush.
The number of federal regulations has increased every year under Bush.
Government corruption has continued unabated among Republicans.
Bush has done nothing to create the smaller government he campaigned on.
...You're a lying fraud. Yes, I think we're all beginning to get the picture on that...
So when 1% or less of the world's population believed the world was round, while the remaining 99% of the population believed it was flat - your argument is that the 1% weren't actually more knowledgeable than the 99%, but that the 99% saw the "immaturity" of the "round worlders" and therefore knew that the world was really flat? That would be an interesting concept...![]()
Unfortunately for you, your flawed view of things "just ain't so" - see, with many words there are multiple possible meanings. Maybe you should pick up a dictionary some time and just try to look through it. Some have pictures, so you might try those. Might be easier for you.
My definitions are from unbiased sources - dictionaries. I've presented the evidence. You're the one that has to prove that they're flawed. And you're missing the definition of something else - de facto. Maybe you missed that one when you were telling your teachers that they were "immature" so you didn't need to listen to them. De facto means: Exercising power or serving a function without being legally or officially established. So one can be a de facto slave, without actually being "legally owned."
When I tell you to go pick up a dictionary and read it, you abject *****, you better listen to me. See what an ignorant fool I can show you to be? And there you were thinking you were smarter than everybody else...![]()
Umm...no, as I just proved.
You are one seriously stupid fool, aren't you? You're trying to concoct one possible scenario and then claim that only your opinionated version can be true. ROTFMAO!!! Are you really this delusional? Get your ego under control, Shetland pony rider. It's totally misplaced. You do not set the circumstances for everything in the world, you arrogant fool. Again, the dictionary definitions include:
The nature of conservatism must be that you ignore valid definitions from valid sources or fail to understand them or experience Cognitive Dissonance when they disprove that you don't know what the hell you're talking about.
Partial slavery is the joining of two valid terms. If someone else controls 50% of everything I earn, I am a de facto partial slave to them for that percentage of my own labor or property that I do not control.
Now refute that with a logical syllogism or shut your pie hole. And you better consider the full definitions before you make a fool out of yourself yet again...
Why don't you admit you're an immoral fraud and leave? Who gave anyone else claim over the fruits of my labor or my property? Nobody. You need to stop stealing from people and trying to control them. In regards to upholding the inalienable rights of other individuals, you're a domestic enemy to the Constitution.
The American revolution was not supported by the majority, and many people support libertarian principles, they've just been deceived by you frauds in the two major parties. The truth will ultimately prevail over your lies. May take another 100 years, but it is worth the sacrifice.
This coming from a ***** who constantly uses logical fallacies... ok...
Another complete and total lie - "Everyone you have talked to?" LOL. What a pathetic little liar you are. One other individual made that false claim in this thread - false because I did answer his question. I can't magically grant you people reading comprehension skills.
Oh, I've told no one I'm smart - nor do I claim to be. I'm simply noting - accurately - that you're a lying fraud and a ***** who apparently can't see through all the logical fallacies you're making.
LOL. What is it with you? (Besides the numerous flaws I've already stated) Ownership of one's self and control of one's actions do not automatically redefine each of us as property. If we were to be defined as property - as self-owners, no one else would have legal claim to us. So, there's absolutely no point to your alleged "point"...
ROTFL. Thanks for pwning yourself, *****. The possibility that you're fearmongering about here ALREADY EXISTS, Einstein. Slavery and involuntary servitude are illegal, but what's still legal in our system? VOLUNTARY SERVITUDE. That's why the income tax system works. If you sign on the dotted line and waive your rights, you can volunteer to be a servant. No problem.
If someone wanted to voluntarily go and be a live in servant for someone else with no monetary compensation whatsoever, they are legally free to do so, right now, under our current legal system. It would be a stupid decision, but they could do it, if it was their voluntary choice. The fact that this isn't happening proves your "argument" is completely and totally invalid.
Sorry - you're lying and crying. I forget to include the full description that last time.
Well, we've been elected to the state legislature before, but hey, why should you stop lying at this point? You're on a roll...![]()
Yes, it can't gain traction because you Republicans and Democrats have spread lies, distortions and falsehoods and used the power of government to either keep Libertarians off the ballot, or force them to spend all of their funds in an effort to gain simple access to the ballot - funds that could have otherwise been used for political advertising. As shown here:
Again, it's accurate. With taxes for example. Taxation is not a contribution.
If you refuse to pay, you will receive threatening letters demanding payment. If you ignore them, eventually a case will be filed in court. If you ignore the summons and fail to appear, a warrant will be issued for your arrest and men with guns will come to your home to take you to jail. If you tell them you're not going and to leave your property, they will forcibly try to take you in. If you physically resist and fight back, they can and will legally kill you.
The is how statutory laws are enforced - there is always the threat of force.
The only time government force is warranted is if one individual has violated the inalienable rights to life, liberty of property of another individual. Otherwise, it's illegitimate and immoral.
Oh, I'm defending my position quite well by exposing all of your lies, distortions and fallacies. And will continue to do so below.
So you don't have control over your own actions?
Yet you're saying the government de facto owns you - you prove it below.
"You are given" Given by who? Who decides and why? Why do some view other people as their property? What gives these people who "give a range of options" that right?
Aren't questions fun, Shetland pony rider? They tend to reveal when people don't know what the @#$% they're talking about...like you...