Liberals claim we had to come from apes due to the dna .

NO ONE claims that humans are descended from monkeys. The fact is that over 98% of the DNA of humans is shared with chimpanzees. Chimpanzees are not monkeys, they are apes. Monkeys all have tails, Apes do not. Humans are also not descended from chimpanzees, they simply have a common ancestor with chimpanzees.

Evolution has progressed hugely since the times of Darwin. Of course, Mark has never read Darwin, or the writings of any other evolutionist, either. Mark is simple an ignorant fundamentalist White Christian. He wants to believe in talking snakes and a wacko deity that likes to punish sinners by punishing their offspring for hundreds of generations.

Ham saw Noah's pecker, according to the Bible, so God punished him by making him Black and a mamber of a lower caste only fit for hauling water and chopping wood.

How many children have NOT seen their father's pecker? This is a very common occurrence.
theories are really never "proven", they are "accepted" if there is no compelling evidence disproving it.

but keep obsessing about darwin so you can keep looking stupid
Accepting stupid unsupported speculations falsely called evolutionary science is stupid.
christians know they were created by a powerful Creator God. Secularists/humanists/Democrats want to believe they devolved from monkeys. well...i'm strangely okay with that.
I tend to believe poor old Joe must believe in evolution because he is still claiming his monkey's uncle was eaten by savage human-lookalike evolutionary apes.

well, christians BELIEVE that anyway. they certainly dont "know" it in any sort of scientific/factual sense of the word, given there is no credible proof of it. Its about faith, not science.

"devolved'? lol. how stupid of you.

you are a science *****...well, i'm strangely ok with that :)
Christians are not deceived by morons propagating false science speculations.

What a bizarre post lol obsessing about Obama and sex? Lol
Seek help you need it
Lefties obsessed with Trump's dirty talk from the past seem strangely comfortable with the undeniable allegations of Obama's sordid connections with gays.