Liberals claim we had to come from apes due to the dna .

Scientists do science it has nothing to do with political speculation
You are such a science mooron
A common error made in science is assuming unproven speculations, assumptions, interpretations and theories are scientific facts.
A common error made in science is assuming unproven speculations, assumptions, interpretations and theories are scientific facts.
its "common"? prove it.
and prove its happened in evolution or climate science, science moooron.

but you wont
you will insist on being stupid. for what reason, I dont know lol
yes, science is never actually 100% proven. something that scientists think is correct today could be proven wrong tomorrow.

are you just figuring out how science works? hahahahahahahha
You are Rember saying science was right 99.99 percent of the time . You argued with me over it . You were wrong then are you flip flopping
now giggles
You are Rember saying science was right 99.99 percent of the time . You argued with me over it . You were wrong then are you flip flopping
now giggles
So I was referring of course to common life and I keep asking you when in your life has science failed you when in your life has science been wrong I keep asking you that and you endeavor answer it is it because you are too stupid to answer it is it because you know the answer will make you look stupid LOL
So I was referring of course to common life and I keep asking you when in your life has science failed you when in your life has science been wrong I keep asking you that and you endeavor answer it is it because you are too stupid to answer it is it because you know the answer will make you look stupid LOL
S0o what I could care less what you asked you claim science is right 99.99 percent of the time were you lying then r are you lying now
S0o what I could care less what you asked you claim science is right 99.99 percent of the time were you lying then r are you lying now
i said science was right in everyday life, and it is.

you can prove i'm lying by showing how science has failed you in everyday life.
but you can't
i said science was right in everyday life, and it is.

you can prove i'm lying by showing how science has failed you in everyday life.
but you can't
See that's the weasel way. You said science is right 99.99 percent of the the time ,when questioned THEN YOU CHANGED THE CLAIM.