Leftist court sides with leftist school to deny the free speech rights of Christian student

The T shirt was worn as a deliberate provocation.
It is the duty of the school to promote harmony and avoid provocation.
The T shirt was worn as a deliberate provocation.
It is the duty of the school to promote harmony and avoid provocation.
Lefties assume it is their duty to squash religious freedoms in schools under strict Democrat interpretations of the Constitution that drives a wall between Christians and society.
Leftists claim they do no wrong but they will unjustly and unconstitutionally stamp out the free speech rights of Christians if they despise the Christians' messages.

https://lawandcrime.com/first-amendment/court-sides-with-school-that-sent-7th-grader-home-over-there-are-only-two-genders-t-shirt/ 6-10-24

Court sides with school that sent 7th grader home over ‘There Are Only Two Genders’ T-shirt

Gee....what great parenting....using their own child as bait....for starting a fight....so the parents can cry & whine about being victims!!
With any luck....both, their child and his friends, will be the first to recognize the adults are acting like small-time / cowardly puppeteers.
Yeah....I believe children are becoming wiser....and, are recognizing hypocrisy, at a much younger age....and, FORTUNATELY....FEEL LIKE THEY HAVE THE FREEDOM TO SOUND-OFF!!!! That's always been The Plan, anyhow.